
8 februari, 2018

Share acquisition in IPM completed

Catella announced on 27 November 2017 that the company had entered into an agreement with a number of existing shareholders in IPM Informed Portfolio Management B.V. (“IPM B.V.”) to secure continued control of its subsidiary IPM Informed Portfolio Management AB (“IPM AB”). The acquisition was conditional upon certain terms that have now been met, and the transaction has been completed.
Catella’s acquisition of shares in IPM B.V. was conditional in part upon approval by the financial supervisory authority in Luxembourg, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), and the general meeting of shareholders in Catella AB. These conditions have now been met. Catella has therefore, through the bid described in greater detail in the press release of 27 November 2017, acquired approximately 13 percent of the shares in IPM B.V. The deal is based on an enterprise value for IPM AB of approximately SEK 2 billion and the acquisition price amounted to SEK 198.5 million. An earnout will be payable equivalent to 50 percent of the acquired shares’ proportion of IPM AB’s net profit after tax for 2017. Catella’s direct and indirect ownership of IPM AB following the transaction amounts to 60.6 percent.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen
CEO and President
+46 8 463 33 10
Erik Kjellgren
Head of Equity, Hedge and Fixed Income Funds
+46 8-614 25 12, +46 70-314 40 35

About Catella: Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 14 European countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 170 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

9 januari, 2018

Power production in December 71.1 GWh

Better winds than normal in December resulted in a power production of 71.1 GWh, compared to the month’s budget of 63.2 GWh.
Of this 37.3 GWh refers to Own wind power production and 33.8 GWh to Co-owned wind power production, compared to the month’s budget of 35.0 GWh and 28.2 GWh.
In total the Company produced 635 GWh last year, which is approx. 1 % over budget. Of this 348 GWh refers to Own wind power production and 287 GWh to Co-owned wind power production.

Halmstad 9 January, 2018
ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916


27 december, 2017

CA Fastigheter AB sells shopping mall in down town Tallinn, Estonia

Press release

CA Fastigheter AB has today, via a subsidiary, signed a sales contract regarding the Shopping Mall “Postimaja”, Narva Mnt 1, in the very center of Tallinn, Estonia. The buyer is Baltic Horizon Fund.

The parties did agree on both signing and closing as of today but, due Estonian regulation, the Estonian Competitian Authority has to give its merger clearance to the transaction. Closing will instead occur by latest in February 2018.

CA Fastigheter AB acquired the property in 2010. Originally the property was erected as the HQ of Estii Post. By the time of acquisition the property were more or less evacuated. During the following years the property were totally reconstructed and developed into a modern Shopping Mall with a total GLA of approx. 9 000 sqm.
The grand opening took place in 2013 with anchor tenants like for example RIMI and H&M.

CA Fastigheter AB´s real estate portfolio in Tallinn is after this sale consisting of a couple of office and industrial properties.

”This sale is in line with our strategy of property development after which we either place it in our own property portfolio or put it for sale. In this case we chose the latter although the property has the very best of locations and therefor probably has a good chance of future increase in value”, says CA Fastigheter AB´s CEO Johan Damne.
”We are glad to again have proven that yet another development project has created substantial value add for the CA Group”, Johan Damne continues.

”We are convinced that we have found the perfect buyer, Baltic Horizon, due to their potential of merging this property with their adjacent property ”Coca Cola Plaza” and thereby enabling further development. Our future presence in the Tallinn market has now to be considered. Whether we would like to increase our portfolio in Tallinn or focus on other markets is too early to tell”, says Andreas Claesson, Head of Estonia for CA Fastigheter AB.
For more information, please visit or contact

Johan Damne, CEO CA Fastigheter AB, telephone +46705860330 or
Andreas Claesson, Head of Estonia, telephone +46705662202

22 december, 2017

Arise AB (publ) ingår optionsavtal med rätt att förvärva projektet Enviksberget om ca 35 MW

Arise AB (publ) har idag tecknat ett optionsavtal med Dala Vind om rätten att förvärva projektet Enviksberget om ca 35 MW (”Projektet”).
Samtliga tillstånd för Projektet har vunnit lagakraft och elanslutningen är säkerställd. Arise kommer nu att slutföra utvecklingen av Projektet med avsikten att förvärva det och därefter sälja det vidare under 2018. Eventuell köpeskilling utgår till Dala Vind först för det fall Projektet slutligt förvärvas av Arise.
Projektet är beläget i närheten av Svartnäs vindkraftpark, som Arise håller på att bygga för BlackRocks räkning. Projektets installerade effekt bedöms komma uppgå till ca 35 MW.
Att säkerställa rätten att förvärva Enviksberget följer Arise strategi att förvärva och utveckla attraktiva vindkraftprojekt för vidareförsäljning till externa investerare.
”Vi är glada över att kunna säkra projekträttigheterna till Enviksberget. Vi har goda förhoppningar om att kunna sälja det vidare till en investerare under 2018. Det känns väldigt roligt att göra vår första affär med Dala Vind och vi ser fram emot ett gott samarbete med dem för att realisera projektet”, säger Daniel Johansson, verkställande direktör, Arise.

Halmstad den 22 december 2017
ARISE AB (publ)

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta
Daniel Johansson, VD Arise AB, +46 702 244 133
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916

Denna information är sådan information som Arise AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning.
Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 22 december 2017 kl. 12:30 CET.

Om Arise
Arise är ett av Sveriges ledande företag inom vindkraft med affärsidé att utveckla, bygga och förvalta landbaserad vindkraft i egen regi och för andra. Bolaget är noterat på NASDAQ Stockholm.
Arise AB (publ), Box 808, 301 18 Halmstad, tel. +46 10 450 71 00, 556274-6726

29 november, 2017

Arise purchases bonds

Arise today announces that it has repurchased bonds with a remaining nominal value of SEK 51,900,000. The repurchase of bonds relates to the company’s secured bonds with a remaining nominal amount outstanding of SEK 951,500,000, incl. the volume now repurchased by Arise. The bonds have a floating rate corresponding to STIBOR 3m plus 3 percent and are due in April 2019 (ISIN: SE0005906849). The purchase price corresponds to 96 percent of the remaining outstanding nominal value of the bonds, i.e. approx. SEK 49,800,000.

The purpose of the repurchase is to decrease gross debt and improve Arise’s net financials. The repurchase has been made possible by the company’s strong cash position. Following the purchase, Arise’s holding in the above mentioned bonds amounts to a remaining nominal amount of SEK 51,900,000.

Halmstad 29 November, 2017
ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact
Daniel Johansson, CEO Arise AB, +46 702 244 133
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916

This information is information that Arise AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU MarketAbuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.55 CET on 29 November, 2017.