
6 maj, 2015

Stefan Moberg till Catellas fondförvatlning

Catellas svenska fondverksamhet expanderar ytterligare och anställer Stefan Moberg som ansvarig för Institutional Sales. Stefan har gedigen bakgrund från finansbranschen och kommer närmast från Nordea Investment Management, där han varit med och utvecklat en framgångsrik försäljningsverksamhet.
Stefan Moberg tillträder inom kort tjänsten som Senior Sales Manager på Catellas svenska fondverksamhet. Stefan kommer att komplettera det befintliga teamet inom försäljning och huvudsakligen fokusera på det institutionella kundsegmentet.

”Catella blev under 2014 topprankat av Prospera hos fonddistributörer och fondutvärderare. Vår ambition är att öka vår marknadsandel, bland annat genom att öka närvaron mot institutioner”, säger Erik Kjellgren, chef för den svenska fondverksamheten på Catella.

Catella har under de senaste åren vuxit kraftigt, vilket ställer högre krav på hela organisationen. Rekryteringen säkerställer en fortsatt hög servicenivå gentemot befintliga kunder samtidigt som vi får möjlighet att bearbeta nya kunder.

Stefan tillträder tjänsten den 18 maj 2015. Han kommer senast från rollen som Sales Director på Nordea Investment Management. Stefan har dessförinnan arbetat inom ACTA och GE Capital.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Erik Kjellgren
Chef för den svenska fondverksamheten
08 -614 25 12, 070-314 40 35

Ann Charlotte Svensson
08-463 32 55, 072-510 11 61

5 maj, 2015

Delårsrapport för perioden 1 januari – 31 mars 2015

  • Nettoomsättningen under kvartalet uppgick till 76 (87)mkr.
  • Rörelseresultatet före avskrivningar (EBITDA) uppgick til 70 (70) mkr varav resultat i intressebolag påverkade med 12 (4) mkr (efter avskrivningar, räntekostnader och skatt).
  • Resultat före skatt uppgick till 17 (22) mkr.
  • Resultat efter skatt uppgick till 15 (16) mkr motsvarande 0,44 (0,49) kr per aktie.
  • Produktionen uppgick till 228 (197) GWh, fördelat Egen vindkraftdrift 122 (126) GWh och Samägd vindkraftdrift 106 (71) GWh.
  • Den genomsnittliga intäkten för Egen vindkraftdrift uppgick till 562 (688) SEK/MWh, fördelat el 408 (452) SEK/MWh och elcertifikat 154 (236) SEK/MWh.

Halmstad den 5 maj 2015

ARISE AB (publ)

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:

Peter Nygren, VD Arise AB +46 706 300 680

Thomas Johansson, CFO Arise AB +46 768 211 115

1 maj, 2015

Operations Update

Nighthawk, the US focused oil development and production company (AIM: HAWK and OTCQX: NHEGY), announces an update at its project in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado.


  • Production maintained through Behind Pipe and remedial treatment program in March and April 2015
  • Average gross production YTD of 2,002 bopd (2014: 1,935 bopd)
  • Behind Pipe and remedial treatment program to continue over May and June 2015
  • Completed initial shooting of 3D seismic for the two new Joint Ventures
  • Hedges at average $67.67 per barrel until April 2016 over volumes equivalent to more than 55% of 2014 net production
  • New crude oil marketing arrangements providing wider access to markets
  • Borrowing base update


As reported in mid-February 2015, Nighthawk’s behind pipe and work-over operations were delayed throughout the winter due to unusually poor weather conditions. There was a further bout of very heavy snowfall in late February 2015, which extended delays in the field. However, progress has been made in March and April 2015 with these operations. Throughout January, February and early March 2015, Nighthawk experienced an inordinate amount of mechanical failures on 10 wells (14 separate projects) and rig activity was redirected to maintain production. This further delayed the behind pipe program and remedial solvent treatment plans. These programs have now been reinstated and are progressing well as discussed below, however production did not reach the anticipated 2,500 bopd gross levels during the first quarter.

Since releasing the drilling rig in January 2015, Nighthawk has been maintaining production by low cost behind pipe completions in the Pennsylvanian (Marmaton) section and co-mingling with Mississippian Spergen production. In addition, remedial solvent treatments have been applied in some of the existing Mississippian Spergen perforated zones improving the well performance. Over time, the perforations in the Mississippian Spergen in some wells may become plugged and a solvent treatment is required to clean out the perforations and re-establish optimal production. In one well, additional perforations were added to the lower Mississippian Spergen section and the results yielded more than 100 bopd gross incremental production after the procedure.  Another well was treated with a proprietary solvent treatment that yielded incremental production of approximately 70 bopd. Nighthawk plans to continue to implement solvent treatments in the Mississippian Spergen in the Arikaree Creek field and two of the wells located in the Snow King area.  The solvent treatment design is a proprietary fluid and the vendor is currently scaling up their operations with the requisite equipment and products to facilitate a broader roll out of the operational procedure across our Mississippian Spergen wells in the near future. Additional pay zones in the Marmaton have been identified in several existing wells, which will be completed and co-mingled in the next couple of months.
Gross and net* production for the first four months of 2015 is summarised below.

2015                                 Monthly                          Daily average

Bbls                                  Gross    Net                    Gross     Net

January                           63,605  52,183               2,052     1,683

February                         55,979  45,843               1,999     1,637

March                              59,376  48,684               1,915     1,570

April (estimate)                61,300  49,984               2,044    1,666

*Net production is based upon Nighthawk´s Net Revenue Interest of approximately 82 %.

27 april, 2015

Försäljning i Malmö

Catella i Malmö har agerat rådgivare till RoosGruppen AB vid försäljning av lager- och kontorsfastigheten Dubbelknappen 20. Köpare var Kungsleden. Läs på

12 februari, 2015

2015 Plans and Operational Update

Nighthawk, the US focused oil development and production company, announces an update on its 2015 Plans, recent production and drilling and other general corporate updates at its operations in the Denver-Julesburg Basin, Colorado.


Highlights – operational

2014 gross production increased by 96% to 706,319 barrels

 Recently drilled three new wells in the Snow King field required to retain key acreage. Two have been completed in the Spergen zone and also had excellent shows of oil potential in the Marmaton zone.  The third well is in the early stages of completion

Plan to drill 11 new wells targeting the Spergen zone (7 for Nighthawk and 4 for Monarch Joint Venture) during third and fourth quarters 2015 at an estimated cost of $19 million

Plan to complete 25 behind pipe projects during the year with many of the projects targeted for the first and second quarter at an estimated cost of $3.6 million