
Arise to accelerate green transition with new growth plan
Arise AB (publ) (”Arise”) hereby presents its growth plan for 2025.
The forthcoming phase-out of fossil energy and rapid technological advances in the energy field constitute a paradigm shift for the consumption of renewable electricity. The consumption of renewable electricity is expected to increase dramatically in the 2020s and 2030s. Investor appetite in renewable energy has never been greater.
Arise has formulated the following growth plan for 2025 to leverage this potential.
International expansion and diversification of the development portfolio
- Investments in large-scale solar power projects in new geographies, including Poland and the UK
- Continued focus on wind projects in early phases in various geographies
Realise 3-5 TWh[1] of new green electricity production
- Invite financial partners to invest in platforms for green electricity production with attractive returns
- This will maximise Arise’s financial returns on its project portfolio through higher development profits and asset management income
- Arise will retain minority interests in these platforms but at the same time will create flexibility to both sell entire projects and independently finance entire projects
Three segments to be reported – Development, Production and Solutions
- Solutions will be reported separately in a new business area that contains project management, asset management and new services, which will increase transparency in the company
- The business area will positively contribute to the company’s growth and profitability and strengthen other business areas
Arise has a strong track record of developing, selling and managing wind power assets, primarily in Sweden. In total, the company has realised almost 1,000 MW of new wind power since it started. With a strong basis in its existing operations, the company is now ready to apply its expertise to new markets in order to realise the company’s full potential. In the first stage, dialogue has been initiated with a number of players in both Poland and the UK to secure project rights for solar power. In parallel with this international expansion, wind projects in early phases, in various geographies, will remain in focus. Other markets and areas of technology will be continuously evaluated.
The company estimates a rate of expansion of an average of more than 300 MW per year by 2025, which is expected to create substantial value. In order to realise this, the company will, among other activities, invite financial partners to invest in platforms for green electricity production, which are managed by Arise. The aim is also for Arise to retain minority interests over time in these platforms. We have the same aim for our existing own farms.
It will be possible to realise both a high rate of growth and diversification through international expansion and broadening of operations into the area of solar power. The company intends to optimise its holdings of renewable production on an ongoing basis in order to create the best possible outcome in terms of profitability, growth, diversification and capital structure. This will create room for dividends in the future even though growth and modest leverage will be prioritised in the short term.
This year, we expected to divest Ranasjö and Salsjöhöjden in their entirety (about 240 MW) and make an investment decision to construct Lebo (about 30 MW). Under the framework of this growth plan, Lebo may initially be financed by the company to maximise flexibility and value creation.
”The energy transition creates a huge window of opportunity. We have a strong starting point with our attractive project portfolio and our production assets. The organisation has a high capacity and will be strengthened further moving forward. Arise has an exciting growth journey ahead, during which a considerably larger company will take shape,” says Daniel Johansson, CEO of Arise.
Halmstad, 26 March 2021
Arise AB (publ)
For further information, please contact
Daniel Johansson, CEO Arise AB, +46 702 244 133
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916
This information is information that Arise AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 13.00 CET on 26 March, 2021.
Regarding information about how we process your personal data we refer to our Privacy policy, which is available on our website If you no longer wish to have our press releases and news please contact us via
About Arise
Arise is a leading independent company that realises new green energy. The company develops, builds and manages renewable electricity production. The company is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.
Catella AB (publ) to redeem its outstanding up to SEK 750,000,000 senior unsecured callable floating rate bonds with ISIN SE0009994718
Catella AB (publ) (the ”Catella”) hereby announces that Catella’s up to SEK 750,000,000 senior unsecured callable floating rate bonds with ISIN SE0009994718 (the ”Bonds”), will be redeemed in advance in accordance with Clause 9.3 (Voluntary total redemption (call option)) of the terms and conditions of the Bonds.
The redemption date will be 26 March 2021. The redemption amount for each Bond shall be 101.20 per cent. of the Nominal Amount, plus accrued but unpaid Interest up to (and including) the applicable redemption date. The redemption amount will be paid to the Bondholders holding Bonds on the applicable record date (being 19 March 2021).
Catella’s obligation to redeem the Bonds on the redemption date is conditional upon that Catella, prior to the applicable record date, issue senior unsecured floating rate bonds on terms that are acceptable for Catella (the ”New Bonds”) and fulfilling the conditions precedent for disbursement of the net proceeds from the issue of the New Bonds, which are, among other things, to be applied towards financing the redemption of the Bonds.
The Bonds will be de-listed from the corporate bond list of Nasdaq Stockholm in connection with the redemption date and the last day of trade will be the date falling on or about 26 March 2021.
Attachment: Call Option Notice (in English).
For futher information, please contact the Issuer at:
Christoffer Abramson
+46 (0) 8 463 33 25
This information is information that Catella is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Swedish securities markets act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above on 2 March 2021, at 9.01 a.m. CET.
Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 13 countries. The group has assets under management amounted to SEK 130 billion at the end of the fourth quarter of 2020. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at
Catella AB (publ) considers issuance of new senior unsecured bonds and announces tender offer regarding outstanding senior unsecured bonds
Catella AB (publ) (“Catella” or the “Issuer”) has mandated ABG Sundal Collier AB and Nordea Bank Abp as joint bookrunners to arrange investor meetings to investigate the possibility of issuing new SEK denominated senior unsecured bonds with an expected volume of SEK 1,000 million under a framework of SEK 1,500 million with an expected tenor of 4.0 years (the “New Bonds”). Subject to market conditions, a transaction will follow.
In connection with the issue of New Bonds, Catella is offering holders of the Issuer’s outstanding senior unsecured floating rate bonds notes maturing on 15 June 2022 with an outstanding amount of SEK 750 million (ISIN: SE0009994718) (the “Existing Bonds”) to tender any and all of their Existing Bonds for purchase by the Issuer for cash (the “Tender Offer”) at a price of 101.30 per cent of the nominal amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest. The Existing Bonds will be repurchased subject to the terms and conditions described in a tender information document dated 2 March 2021 (the “Tender Information Document”).
The full terms and conditions of the Tender Offer can be found in the Tender Information Document, which is available in the following link offer
The Tender Offer expires at 12:00 CET on 9 March 2021, unless extended, re-opened, withdrawn or terminated at the sole discretion of the Issuer. Settlement of the Tender Offer is expected to occur at or around 17 March 2021. The Issuer’s repurchase of Existing Bonds is conditional upon a successful issue of New Bonds and the conditions set forth in the Tender Information Document.
Holders of Existing Bonds who accept the Tender Offer will be eligible to receive a priority in the allocation of the New Bonds, subject to the terms set out in the Tender Information Document.
Conditional upon the consummation of a successful issue of the New Bonds, Catella will exercise its right to make a voluntary early redemption of the Existing Bonds which are not being tendered in the Tender Offer, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Existing Bonds. The Existing Bonds will in such early redemption be redeemed at a price equal to 101.20 per cent of the nominal amount (plus accrued and unpaid interest).
The Issuer has mandated ABG Sundal Collier AB and Nordea Bank Abp as joint arrangers and bookrunners in respect of the issuance of the New Bonds and as dealer managers and tender agents for the Tender Offer. Roschier Advokatbyrå AB has been appointed as legal counsel.
Attachment: The Tender Information Document (in English).
Dealer Managers and Tender Agents:
ABG Sundal Collier AB Nordea Bank Abp
+46 8566 286 40 +45 6161 2996
For futher information, please contact the Issuer at:
Christoffer Abramson
+46 (0) 8 463 33 25
This information is information that Catella is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Swedish securities markets act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above on 2 March 2021, at 9.00 a.m. CET.
Christoffer Abramson new CEO and President at Catella AB (publ)
The Board of Catella has appointed Christoffer Abramson as CEO and President of Catella Group. Christoffer will begin his role no later than by the Annual General Meeting, May 25 2021. Christoffer has been the Chief Financial Officer since October 15 2020.
”The Board of Catella is delighted to announce the appointment of Christoffer Abramson to the position of CEO of Catella Group. Over the past four months, Christoffer has not only transformed our finance function but also helped us accelerate our strategic repositioning toward a more focused Catella within real estate. With a strong combination of transforming organizations, improving financial efficiency, and driving profitable growth strategically and tactically through controlled risk, we are certain that Christoffer is the right person to take Catella to the next level. I have enjoyed working closely with Christoffer and look forward to working with the entire Catella team as member of the Board after a transition period during the spring.” says Johan Claesson, acting CEO, board member and main owner.
”I am honoured and incredibly excited to have been asked by the Board to continue to work with the entire Catella team as CEO. There is enormous potential and competence within Catella and I am immensely proud to work with such entrepreneurial and ambitious people. Catella’s over 550 employees all work together with strong momentum to deliver creative solutions to all our partners and customers along the value chain of real estate and alternative investing. I would like to thank Johan Claesson and the rest of the Board for patiently guiding me into the Catella Group. Our goal is now to deliver strong growth to our customers and investors alike by strengthening our core offerings and by leveraging all our products and services even more across Europe.” says Christoffer Abramson, CFO and incoming CEO.
Prior to joining Catella Group as Chief Financial Officer, Christoffer was part of building a global real estate group within EF based in the USA. He earlier worked as an operating executive for several Private Equity funds in London and Paris. Christoffer began his career at General Electric where he spent 10 years in various roles, most recently as CFO of GE Real Estate in London.
Necessary approval is required from the regulator CSSF in Luxembourg before final access can take place.
This is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above at 17.15 CET on 24 February 2021.
For futher information, please contact:
Johan Claesson Jan Roxendal
Acting CEO and member of the Board Chairman of the Board
+46 (0) 70 547 16 36 +46 (0) 8 463 33 10
Christoffer Abramson
+46 (0) 8 463 33 25
Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 14 countries. The group has assets under management amounted to SEK 135,8 billion at the end of the third quarter of 2020. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Bokslutskommuniké för perioden 1 januari-31 december 2020
fjärde KVARTALET (1 oktober–31 december 2020)
- Nettoomsättningen under kvartalet uppgick till 26 (247) mkr.
- Rörelseresultatet före avskrivningar (EBITDA) uppgick till 1 (147) mkr.
- Rörelseresultat (EBIT) uppgick till -15 (128) mkr.
- Jämförbart resultat före skatt uppgick till -23 (108) mkr och rapporterat resultat före skatt uppgick till -41 (108) mkr.
- Jämförbart resultat efter skatt uppgick till -24 (98) mkr och rapporterat resultat efter skatt uppgick till -42 (98) mkr motsvarande -1,17 (2,93) kr per aktie före och -1,17 (2,29) kr per aktie efter utspädning.
- Det operativa kassaflödet uppgick till -1 (193) mkr.
- Produktionen från Egen vindkraftdrift uppgick till 87 (89) GWh.
- Den genomsnittliga intäkten för Egen vindkraftdrift uppgick till 202 (440) SEK/MWh, fördelat på el 199 (323) SEK/MWh och elcertifikat, inkl. ursprungsgarantier, 3 (117) SEK/MWh.
- Arise refinansierade framgångsrikt utestående säkerställda obligationer med ett grönt banklån om 40 meur. Koncernens årliga finansieringskostnader minskar därmed dramatiskt från knappt 60 mkr till mindre än 25 mkr, inkl. räntekostnader hänförliga till bolagets utestående konvertibler, IFRS 16 effekter och periodiserade uppläggningsavgifter. I samband med refinansieringen uppstod under fjärde kvartalet 2020 kostnader av engångskaraktär om totalt cirka -32 mkr, vilket var bättre än väntat p.g.a. valutasäkring.
årets 12 månader (1 januari–31 december 2020)
- Nettoomsättningen under perioden uppgick till 130 (454) mkr.
- Jämförbart rörelseresultat före avskrivningar uppgick till 33 (217) mkr och rapporterat rörelseresultat före avskrivningar (EBITDA) till 33 (-56) mkr.
- Jämförbart rörelseresultat uppgick till -37 (142) mkr och rapporterat rörelseresultat (EBIT) till -37 (-131) mkr.
- Jämförbart resultat före skatt uppgick till -90 (60) mkr och rapporterat resultat före skatt uppgick till -108 (-233) mkr.
- Jämförbart resultat efter skatt uppgick till -90 (53) mkr och rapporterat resultat efter skatt uppgick till -108 (-235) mkr motsvarande -3,08 (-7,03) kr per aktie före och efter utspädning.
- Det operativa kassaflödet uppgick till 65 (327) mkr.
- Produktionen från Egen vindkraftdrift uppgick till 355 (333) GWh. Ökningen beror på starkare vindar än föregående år.
- Den genomsnittliga intäkten för Egen vindkraftdrift uppgick till 237 (436) SEK/MWh, fördelat på el 204 (333) SEK/MWh och elcertifikat, inkl. ursprungsgarantier, 33 (103) SEK/MWh.
Halmstad den 17 februari 2021
ARISE AB (publ)
För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Daniel Johansson, VD Arise AB, +46 702 244 133
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916
Denna information är sådan information som Arise AB är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades genom ovanstående kontaktpersoners försorg, för offentliggörande den 17 februari 2021 kl. 08.00 CET.
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