
7 april, 2016

Årsredovisning 2015 finns nu tillgänglig

Arise AB:s årsredovisning för verksamhetsåret 2015 finns nu tillgänglig på vår hemsida

Den skickas ut per post till aktieägare som har anmält till bolaget att de önskar erhålla den. Den som önskar ett tryckt exemplar är välkommen att beställa via formulär på hemsidan eller genom Arise växel, telefon 035-20 20 900.

Halmstad den 7 april 2016
ARISE AB (publ)
För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta
Daniel Johansson, VD Arise AB, +46 702 244 133
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448916

Informationen är sådan som Arise AB ska offentliggöra enligt lagen (2007:528) om värdepappersmarknaden och/ eller lagen (1991:980) om handel med finansiella instrument. Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande den 7 april 2016 kl. 15.00.
Om Arise
Arise är ett av Sveriges ledande företag inom vindkraft med affärsidé att utveckla, bygga och förvalta landbaserad vindkraft i egen regi och för andra. Bolaget är noterat på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

Arise AB (publ), Box 808, 301 18 Halmstad, tel. +46 35 20 20 900, 556274-6726

6 april, 2016

Arise förvärvar projektet Kölvallen från Ownpower Projects


Bolag inom Arise AB (publ) koncernen har idag tecknat avtal om och förvärvat samtliga aktier i Kölvallen Vind AB, vilket är det projektbolag som har rättigheterna till vindkraftsprojektet Kölvallen (”Projektet”).
Bakgrunden är att Arise idag har utövat sin option att förvärva projektbolaget från Ownpower Projects Europe AB (”OPP”). Arise förvärvar nu aktierna i projektbolaget från OPP för en köpeskilling om 20 MSEK, varav 15 MSEK erlagts i samband med att tillträde idag har skett och 5 MSEK erläggs senare när vissa projektkriterier uppfylls.
Projektet, som är beläget i Ljusdals kommun, har utvecklats av Arise tillsammans med OPP och förväntas omfatta en rätt att uppföra ca 50 vindkraftverk i ett område med goda vindförhållanden. Projektets installerade effekt bedöms uppgå till ca 180 MW. Slutlig storlek på Projektet är beroende av att miljötillståndet vinner laga kraft, vilket förväntas ske under andra kvartalet 2016.
Projektet har nu nått en fas i vilken Arise bedömer det som attraktivt att genomföra förvärvet av projektbolaget samt i egen regi slutföra projekteringen inför en framtida försäljning.
Förvärvet av Kölvallen ligger väl inom Arise strategi att förvärva och utveckla attraktiva vindkraftsprojekt för vidareförsäljning till externa investerare. Arise har de senaste 18 månaderna lyckosamt sålt ett antal projekt, om totalt över 180 MW, till svenska och internationella investerare.
Vi ser fram emot att kunna erbjuda ett attraktivt projekt till investerare inom förnybar energi. Vi är också glada över vårt mångåriga samarbete med OPP, som givit oss den här möjligheten.”, säger Daniel Johansson, Verkställande direktör, Arise.

Halmstad den 6 april 2016
ARISE AB (publ)

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta
Daniel Johansson, VD Arise AB, +46 702 244 133
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916

Informationen är sådan som Arise AB ska offentliggöra enligt lagen (2007:528) om värdepappersmarknaden och/ eller lagen (1991:980) om handel med finansiella instrument. Informationen lämnades för offentliggörande den 6 april 2016 kl. 10.45.
Om Arise
Arise är ett av Sveriges ledande företag inom landbaserad vindkraft med affärsidé att utveckla, bygga och förvalta landbaserad vindkraft i egen regi och för andra. Bolaget är noterat på NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.
Arise AB (publ), Box 808, 301 18 Halmstad, tel. 46 35 20 20 900, 556274-6726

5 april, 2016

European residential markets are in a supercycle

5 April 2016  | Corporate Finance
In order to evaluate the long-term advantages of the 18 analysed European investment locations, Catella Research draws on a large number of criteria, including economies, demographics, regulation, residential property markets and finance. No matter what country or city we look at, it is clear that investments in residential property are subject to increased levels of demand, leading to continuously rising prices.

The European residential real estate sector stands out as the decade’s best performer, despite the existence of substantial differences in yields and drivers between different regional markets and cities. Demand has rocketed in the past 24 months, and at present there is no discernible end in sight. Residential investment came to a total of EUR 37.5 billion in 2015, according to the “Catella Market Indicator – Residential Europe 2016.
Europe has seen two simultaneous developments that have set the stage for what is known as a “supercycle”. Rising liquidity has coupled with a rate of urbanisation that can almost be described as dramatic, over more than 10 years. Together, these have produced the current situation in European residential markets, in which high demand contrasts with comparatively slow-growing supply. But one must also take into account that national residential markets are very much subject to national politics”, says Dr. Thomas Beyerle, Head of Group Research at Catella.
Cities like London, Paris, the Swiss metropolitan regions and German cities such as Munich, Hamburg and Stuttgart are very popular, resulting in high rental prices. But the growth in rental prices is struggling to compensate for the increase in purchase prices, resulting in yield compression and confining rental yields to between 3% and 4%. This is pushing some of Germany’s and France’s category B and C towns, with rental yields of up to 6%, into the limelight, write the analysts.
Similar results have also been seen in Polish cities such as Warsaw, Gdańsk and Łódź. This trend will be carried by stable Polish economic growth over the medium and long term. Transaction activities have recently increased in Spain, although it remains to be seen whether this development is sustainable.
The Catella Market Indicator – Residential Europe, Spring/Summer 2016 is now available at

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Thomas Beyerle
Head of Group Research
+49 69 310 19 30 220
Press contact:
Ann Charlotte Svensson
Head of Group Communications
+46 8 463 32 55, +46 72 510 11 61

5 april, 2016

Production Update Correction

5 April 2016

(”Nighthawk” or ”the Company”)

Production Update Correction
Nighthawk, the US focused oil development and production company (AIM: HAWK and OTCQX: NHEGY), announces a correction to the Company’s latest current production level update.

Production Update
On 1 April 2016, the Company issued an update (RNS: 8318T) of its production which contained volumes for 2016 that were inaccurate. Presented below are the correct numbers.

Gross Net
2016 2015 2016 2015
Januari 43,915 63,605 36,031 52,183
Februari 40,809 55,979 33,444 45,843

Gross Net
2016 2015 2016 2015
Januari 1,417 2,052 1,162 1,683
Februari 1,407 1,999 1,153 1,637


Gross and net* production, in barrels, for the first two months of 2016 is summarised below.

*Net production is based upon Nighthawk’s Net Revenue Interest of approximately 82%

Chuck Wilson, Chief Operating Officer of Nighthawk, who has over 33 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and meets the criteria of qualified persons under the AIM guidance note for mining and oil and gas companies, has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this announcement.

Nighthawk Energy plc
Rick McCullough, Chairman
+1 303 407 9600
Kurtis Hooley, Chief Financial Officer
+44 (0) 20 3582 1350

Stockdale Securities Limited
+44 (0) 20 7601 6100
Alastair Stratton
Robert Finlay
David Coaten

11 mars, 2016

Increasing competition in the French property markets shows demand from investors

11 March 2016 | Corporate Finance

The new publication “Property Market Trends, France Spring 2016” provides an in-depth assessment of the commercial real estate market in France and its future perspectives.
On the rental market in Île-de-France, the report identified several important trends. After a first half seeing take-up trending strongly downward, activity has been much more dynamic in the second half of 2015, thanks to a more favorable macroeconomic context. As a result, take-up has revived enough to see the year ending slightly better than 2014. In total, year-on-year take-up has grown by 1.2% to reach 2.21 million square meters. The small- and medium-surface markets have been the most dynamic: up 12% from 2014 with a transaction volume of almost 1.5 million square meters.
While this is still well short of the record performances of 2006 and 2007, these are the best results in these size categories since 2008. However, take-up for surfaces of over 20,000 sq.m has been down since early 2015, showing an overall decrease of 37% compared to 2014, despite a recovery toward the year’s end. Vacancy rates have started to decline, driven both by a recovery in large-surface transactions in existing new buildings and a slight drop in releases. Overall, the vacancy rate in Ile-de-France fell slightly, by 0.3 point, to 7%. Headline rents have remained broadly stable and there has been a further increase in incentives, which reached 21.5% in Ile-de-France.
As has been seen in the rental market, the investment market has experienced an exceptional second half of the year following its lacklustre first six months. €26.2 billion have been invested in the non-residential real estate market in France, up 2.5% over 2014. This result was only surpassed in 2006 and 2007. Despite this similarity, the two markets have followed very different trajectories in the past two years. The investment market continues to benefit greatly from the very high volume of liquidity available for properties, coupled with the relatively limited supply of same. This has generated, with increasing competition between players, higher values and severely reduced yields.
Unlike in 2014, it has been transactions in the €100-to-€300 million range which have proved the strongest market impetus in 2015. But deals in excess of €500 million have shown a sharp decline after the truly outstanding performance the previous year. While offices have remained the most sought-after product type, warehouses have been the strongest growing product in 2015. Investment funds have strengthened their dominance in the French market, while there has also been a comeback by SIIC-listed companies, insurance companies and SCPIs.
The report Property Market Trends is available for download at

For more information please contact:
+33 1 56 79 79 78