As part of the company’s development Grain Alliance will increase it’s grain storage facilities and upgrade agricultural machinery fleet. Less energy consuming technology for machinery and biomass residuals fired heat generators for the grain dryers will help to continue environment friendly sustainable development of Grain Alliance.
“We are proud, that our aim to decrease greenhouse gases into the atmosphere while increasing productivity of own production got support from EBRD and Taiwan CDF. This 7 yrs loan also shows the appreciation of us being long-term investor with sustainable focus into Ukrainian agriculture” – said Johan Damne, the chairman of the board of Grain Alliance AB
”This investment will allow us to produce and dry more grains with smaller footprint. Additional storage and new dryers with heat generators will allow us to dry additional 170 thsd tones of grains during the season. We can see that the investment will bring benefits to our regional clusters as well as to local communities.” – added Evgeniy Radovenyuk, CEO of Grain Alliance AB.