Change in number of shares and votes in Catella AB (publ)

The number of shares and votes in Catella AB (publ) has changed consequent upon the issue of 2,066,667 new Class B shares in May upon exercise of warrants in the incentive programme adopted by the extraordinary general meeting held 13 February 2014.
Subsequent to the exercise of warrants, the total number of shares in Catella AB (publ) at 29 May 2020 was 88,348,572 and the total number of votes was 98,470,792, of which 2,530,555 ordinary shares in Class A (carrying a total of 12,652,775 votes) and 85,818,017 ordinary shares in Class B (carrying a total of 85,818,017 votes).

For more information, please contact:
Niklas Bommelin
Investor Relations
+46 8 463 34 26, +46 768 91 12 40
Press contact:
Jonas Burvall
Head of Group Communications
+46 8 463 33 05, +46 76 627 97 55

This information is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 07:00 CET on 29 May 2020.

Bulletin from annual general meeting of Catella AB (publ)

Today Catella AB (publ) held its annual general meeting at which mainly the following resolutions were adopted in accordance with the proposals by the board of directors and the nomination committee:
• To adopt the income statement and balance sheet for the parent company and the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for 2019.
• Retained profits and net profit for the year shall be carried forward.
• Not to pay any dividends.
• To discharge the board of directors and the managing director from liability.
• The number of board members shall be six (6) and no deputy board members are to be elected, and that one auditor shall be elected.
• Fees to board members shall be paid as follows:
o the chairman of the board shall receive SEK 570,000 (previous year SEK 570,000) and other board members SEK 350,000 (SEK 350,000) each.
o fees for service on the board audit committee in the amount of SEK 130 000 (130,000) to the chairman of the committee and SEK 100,000 (100,000) each to the other members of the committee.
o fees for service on the board compensation committee in the amount of SEK 40,000 (40,000) to the chairman of the committee and SEK 30,000 (30,000) to the other member of the committee.
• The audit fee shall be payable in accordance with the approved invoice.
• Re-election of all existing board members, Johan Claesson, Johan Damne, Joachim Gahm, Anna Ramel and Jan Roxendal. New election of Tobias Alsborger. The election of Tobias Alsborger requires approval from relevant regulatory authorities. Jan Roxendal was elected chairman of the board.
• PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as the company’s auditor for a new term from the end of the AGM 2020 to the end of the AGM 2021, with Daniel Algotsson as auditor-in-charge.
• To adopt principles for the nomination committee for the AGM 2021.
• To approve guidelines for remuneration to senior executives.

For more information, please contact:
Johan Claesson, CEO and President
+46 70 547 16 36
Niklas Bommelin, Investor Relations
+46 76 891 12 40

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 15 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 160 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Wind down of Catella’s banking operations to be completed

The Board of Directors of Catella AB (publ) has decided today to wind down operations in Catella Bank with the ambition to return the banking license to the supervisory authority during the first half of 2021.
Catella has previously announced that it expects a net result from divestments and costs related to the wind down, which protects value in the form of equity of SEK 437 million. Sales revenue has been in line with the values that were projected, while costs are higher, partly due to the fact that the wind down took longer than expected. Approximately SEK 350 million in values related to the wind down of the bank is expected to benefit Catella when the process is completed. Costs for wind down of approximately SEK 80 million will be reserved in Q2 2020.
The banking operations is expected to be completed during the first half of 2021 when a request of revoking the bank license will be submitted to the supervisory authority CSSF. Catella will then exit from the consolidated situation, which has resulted in extensive regulatory framework and an inefficient capital structure for the entire Group.

This is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 7.00 p.m. CET on May 26, 2020.

For more information, please contact:
Johan Claesson
CEO and President
+46 70 547 16 36

Niklas Bommelin
Investor Relations
+46 76 891 12 40

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 15 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 160 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Catella AB – Interim Report January-March 2020

he beginning of 2020 was characterized by the Corona pandemic, which is having a significant effect on all businesses, including Catella’s. We noted particularly heavy outflows from Equity, Hedge and Fixed Income Funds towards the end of the quarter. For remaining operations, total income amounted to SEK 503 M in the first quarter of 2020, up SEK 49 M on the first quarter 2019. The increase was mainly attributable to Property Investment Management. Operating profit increased by SEK 10 M, and amounted to SEK 72 M. Total assets under management decreased by SEK 12 Bn in year-on-year terms, adjusted for the terminated product Systematic Equity, and amounted to SEK 156 Bn at the end of the period, corresponding to a decrease of SEK 15 Bn on the end of 2019. Catella’s total cash and cash equivalents for remaining operations amounted to SEK 920 M at the end of the period, of which the majority in Catella’s subsidiaries.
January – March 2020
• Total income SEK 503 M (454)
• Net sales SEK 449 M (447)
• Operating profit/loss SEK 72 M (62)
• Profit/loss before tax SEK 46 M (45)
• Profit for the period from remaining operations SEK 24 M (23)
• Profit/loss for the period from disposal group held for sale SEK -14 M (110)
• Profit/loss for the period SEK 10 M (133), of which SEK 0 M (111) attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company
• Earnings per share* SEK 0 (1.32)
• Equity* SEK 1,577 M (1,604)
• Equity per share* SEK 18.28 (19.06)
• Assets under management SEK 156.2 Bn (168.2***)
• Variable earnings**, which will be recognized for profit at year-end, in Systematic Funds totalled SEK 0 M at the end of the period.
• Against the background of the coronavirus pandemic, the Board has decided to revoke the proposed dividend of SEK 0.90 per share, and proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend be paid. Catella’s ambition is to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting in the second half of 2020 to address the matter of dividends.

* Attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company. Includes disposal group held for sale. ** Variable earnings calculated on Systematic Macros’ performance-based management fee. In order for the performance-based management fee to be settled at year end, and recognized for profit/loss, returns must be higher than comparative indices and the most recent level settled (High watermark). *** Adjusted for the product Systematic Equity.

For more information, please contact:
Marcus Holmstrand, CFO
Telephone: +46 8 463 32 52
Niklas Bommelin, IR
Telephone: +46 8 463 34 26

This is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 07.00 CET on 8 May 2020.
About Catella: Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and advisory and fund management, with operations in 15 countries. The group manages assets of SEK 160 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more at

Power production in April 31.3 GWh

Better winds than normal in April resulted in a power production of 31.3 GWh, compared to the month’s budget of 26.9 GWh.

Halmstad 7 May, 2020

ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact

Daniel Johansson, CEO Arise AB, +46 702 244 133

This information is information that Arise AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU MarketAbuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 17.15 CET on 7 May, 2020.