Management changes in Catella AB (publ)

The Board of directors of Catella AB (publ) has decided to appoint current acting Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mattias Brodin to CFO as of 1 August 2021.
On 1 June, Michel Fischier will take on the role as Head of Investor Relations and Group Communications and Johanna Bjärnemyr joins as Head of Group Legal.

Mattias Brodin has held the position of acting CFO since 26 March 2021. Before that, he has held positions as Interim Group CFO at Transcendent Group (publ.) and previously similar positions at Estate Group Sverige and Apoteksgruppen. Mattias Brodin has extensive knowledge of Real Estate and other industries such as Industry, Logistics and Retail.

“It’s feels wonderful to take on the role as Chief Financial Officer. Catella is a complex organization with challenging and interesting projects. I really look forward to contributing to Catella’s continued development together with the management team and all employee, says Mattias Brodin, incoming CFO.

Michel Fischier will start as Head of Investor Relations and Group Communications on 1 June. Michel most recently comes from the position as Vice President Investor Relations at SAS. He has extensive experience in investor relations and communications from roles in for example Hoist Finance and Skandia.

“I look forward to participating in the continued work of positioning Catella towards a more property-focused company. Catella has a strong brand both in the real estate industry and among investors. I see great opportunities to continued development, says Michel Fischier, Head of Investor Relations and Group Communications.

On June 1, Johanna Bjärnemyr is also taking on the role as Head of Group Legal. Johanna has deep experience from the real estate industry through roles at Hemfosa Fastigheter AB, Wistrand Advokatbyrå and Advokatfirman Cederquist.

“It feels great to join Catella during such an eventful time. Catella’s increased property focus, new business areas and work towards a broader market in a bigger context attracts me. I am very happy for the trust placed in me” says Johanna Bjärnemyr, Head of Group Legal.

“It feels fantastic to bring on board three such talented and experienced people as Mattias, Michel and Johanna to Catella. Their combination of solid expertise and broad experience in real estate and in their respective areas of responsibility will further strengthen Catella and help us develop our strategy with a focus on the real estate industry. Together, we are now in an even better position to develop the business, to ensure future growth, and to further strengthen our position in Europe”, says Christoffer Abramson, President and CEO of Catella.

Christoffer Abramson, Mattias Brodin. Michel Fischier, Johanna Bjärnemyr and Mathias deMaré, Head of Group HR, will together form Catella AB’s formal Group Management.

For further information, please contact:       

Christoffer Abramson
CEO and President
+46 (0) 8 463 33 25

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 13 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 117 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Bulletin from annual general meeting of Catella AB (publ)

Today Catella AB (publ) held its annual general meeting at which mainly the following resolutions were adopted in accordance with the proposals by the board of directors and the nomination committee:

  • To adopt the income statement and balance sheet for the parent company and the consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet for 2020.
  • To pay a dividend of SEK 0.90 per share to the shareholders and that the remaining profits shall be carried forward. 27 May 2021 was determined as the record date for dividends.
  • To discharge the board of directors and the managing directors from liability.
  • The number of board members shall be six (6) and no deputy board members are to be elected, and that one auditor shall be elected.
  • Fees to board members shall be paid as follows:
  • the chairman of the board shall receive SEK 570,000 (previous year SEK 570,000) and other board members SEK 350,000 (SEK 350,000) each.
  • fees for service on the board audit committee in the amount of SEK 130 000 (130,000) to the chairman of the committee and SEK 100,000 (100,000) each to the other members of the committee.
  • fees for service on the board compensation committee in the amount of SEK 40,000 (40,000) to the chairman of the committee and SEK 30,000 (30,000) to the other member of the committee.
  • The audit fee shall be payable in accordance with the approved invoice.
  • Re-election of the existing board members Johan Claesson, Tobias Alsborger, Johan Damne, Joachim Gahm and Jan Roxendal. New election of Anneli Jansson. The election of Anneli Jansson requires approval from relevant regulatory authorities. Johan Claesson was elected chairman of the board.
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as the company’s auditor for a new term from the end of the AGM 2021 to the end of the AGM 2022, with Daniel Algotsson as auditor-in-charge.
  • To adopt principles for the nomination committee for the 2022 AGM.
  • To approve guidelines for remuneration to senior executives.
  • To approve the remuneration report 2020.

Catella’s Annual General Meeting 2021 was conducted completely digitally with voting by post. The voter turnout for the AGM was over 67.5 per cent, which is considered as a high turnout.

For further information, please contact:       

Christoffer Abramson
CEO and President
+46 (0) 8 463 33 25

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 13 countries. The group has assets under management amounted to SEK 117 billion at the end of the first quarter of 2021. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Catella AB (publ) publishes bond prospectus and applies for listing of its bonds on Nasdaq Stockholm

Catella AB (publ) (”Catella”) issued on 17 March 2021 a senior unsecured bond loan of SEK 1,250,000,000 within a total framework amount of SEK 1,500,000,000 on the Swedish bond market. The bonds carry a floating rate interest of STIBOR 3m + 4.75 per cent per annum and matures 17 March 2025.

Catella has applied for listing of the bonds on the corporate bond list at Nasdaq Stockholm. The bonds will be admitted to trading on or about 10 May 2021.

In connection with this Catella has prepared a prospectus. The prospectus has been approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. The Prospectus will be available on the Financial Supervisory Authority’s website ( and on Catella’s website (


This disclosure contains information that Catella is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014) and the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 10-05-2021 14:30 CET.

For further information, please contact:       
Christoffer Abramson
CEO and President
+46 (0) 8 463 33 25

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 13 countries. The group has assets under management amounted to SEK 117 billion at the end of the first quarter of 2021. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Power production in April 30.8 GWh

Better wind conditions than normal in April resulted in a power production of 30.8 GWh, compared to the month’s budget of 26.9 GWh.

Halmstad, 7 May 2021

ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:

Daniel Johansson, CEO Arise AB, +46 702 244 133

This information is information that Arise AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU MarketAbuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 11.20 CET on 7 May, 2021.

Regarding information about how we process your personal data we refer to our Privacy policy, which is available on our website www.arise.seIf you no longer wish to have our press releases and news please contact us via

About Arise

Arise is  a leading independent company that realises new green energy. The company develops, builds, sells and manages renewable electriticy production. The company is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.

CEO’s presentation on Arise’s Annual General Meeting

The presentation is now available on our website

Halmstad 5 May, 2021

ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact

Daniel Johansson, CEO Arise AB, +46 702 244 133

Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916

This information is information that Arise AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, at 16.20 CET on 5 May, 2021.

Regarding information about how we process your personal data we refer to our Privacy policy, which is available on our website If you no longer wish to have our press releases and news please contact us via 

About Arise

Arise is  a leading independent company that realises new green energy. The company develops, builds, sells and manages renewable electriticy production. The company is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.

Arise AB (publ), P.O. Box 808, SE-301 18 Halmstad, Sweden, telephone 46 (0)10 450 71 00, corporate id .no. 556274-6726. E-mail,