Year-end 2016

Kalmar 2017-03-07

Claesson & Anderzén AB, has today published its Annual Report for 2016, see also where the annual report can be downloaded.

Net sales for the Group’s consolidated operations amounted to SEK 1 157m (1 444), of which net sales from the Group´s real estate company, CA Fastigheter AB, amounted to SEK 944 million (1041) and agriculture company, BZK Grain Alliance AB, to SEK 213 million (403). In addition, investment properties were sold for a value of SEK 14 million (835).

CA Fastigheter AB has, despite major sales the previous year managed to maintain an operating profit for 2016 which amounted to 360 MSEK (359). Project development activities have raised a profit of SEK 59 million (64). In 2016, the project portfolio expanded with several major projects primarily in Stockholm. Investment properties were acquired for an amount of SEK 682 million (273) mainly relating to apartment housing in Berlin and Malmö.

Agricultural activity, BZK Grain Alliance AB’s net sales amounted to SEK 213 million (403), a decrease mainly due to the sale in 2015 was affected by high opening stock of crops in combination with low closing balance of stock. Closing balance of stock by end of 2016 were again high which affected sales for 2016 negatively. In addition, the stock of crops are according to accounting principles not reported at market value.
Results of agricultural activities amounted to SEK 79 million (148). Earnings were negatively affected by a reduction in government subsidies which was decided in late 2015 and will be completely abolished in 2017. Yields for 2016 was better than plan for all crops. Compared with the previous year, stock of crops were increased based on the belief that better prices were to be obtained during Q1 2017, which has materialized.

The Group’s holdings in Catella AB, corresponding to 49.9% of the equity, which is reported as an associated company, has strongly contributed to net income. The Group’s share of Catella AB’s profit amounted to SEK 135 million (121).

Profit after financial items for the Group amounted to 352 MSEK (787).

The Group´s equity ratio, based on acquisition prices, amounts to 37.6% (38.8). For the third year, the Group shall, in accordance with new accounting rules, K3, indicate the market value of properties and derivatives. The value is reported only in the notes and the value related to the real estate portfolio amounted to 10.8 billion (8.6) and derivatives – 0.32 billion (- 0.28). Taking into account these values, the Group’s adjusted equity ratio amounts to 60% (58).

The Group does not make any forecasts for future periods.
– ”The results for 2016 are in line with our forecasts. Our real estate company, CA Fastigheter AB, has during the year not sold real estate more than marginally why the results compared with the previous year is unfair. Instead, a series of acquisitions of both investment property and development projects has been made which are expected to bring considerable value to the Group in the long term. The Group’s agricultural companies in Ukraine, BZK Grain Alliance AB reports strong earnings despite lower subsidies from the Ukrainian state. In addition, Catella AB shows continued good earnings and good growth. We are therefore well positioned to continue to develop our portfolio companies”, says Claesson & Anderzén AB’s CEO Johan Damne


Bokslutskommuniké 2016

Kalmar 2017-03-07

Claesson & Anderzén AB, koncernen, har idag publicerat sin årsredovisning för 2016, se även där årsredovisningen går att ladda ned.

Nettoomsättningen för koncernens konsoliderade verksamheter uppgick totalt till 1 157 Mkr (1 444), varav omsättningen för fastighetsbolaget CA Fastigheter AB uppgick till 944 Mkr (1 041) och jordbruksbolaget BZK Grain Alliance AB till 213 Mkr (403). Därutöver har förvaltningsfastigheter sålts till ett värde om 14 Mkr (835).

CA Fastigheter AB har trots stora försäljningar föregående år lyckats upprätthålla driftöverskottet för 2016 vilket uppgick till 360 Mkr (359). Projektutvecklingsverksamheten har under året tillfört koncernen ett resultat om 59 Mkr (64). Under 2016 har projektportföljen utökats med flera större projekt främst i Stockholm. Förvaltningsfastigheter har under året förvärvats till ett belopp om 682 Mkr (273) vilket främst avser fastigheter i Berlin och Malmö.

Jordbruksverksamhetens, BZK Grain Alliance AB, nettoomsättning uppgick till 213 Mkr (403), en minskning som främst beror på ökat varulager mellan årsskiften och som inte får redovisas till verkligt värde.
Resultat av jordbruksverksamheten uppgick till 79 Mkr (148). Resultatet har påverkats negativt av de minskade statliga subventioner som Ukrainska staten beslutade om i slutet av 2015 och som kommer avskaffas helt under 2017. Skördeutfallet för 2016 var bättre än plan för samtliga grödor. Jämfört med föregående år har varuuppbyggnad skett i tron att erhålla bättre priser under Q1 2017, vilket sedermera infriats.
Koncernens innehav i Catella AB, motsvarande 49,9 % av kapitalet, har starkt bidragit till årets resultat. Koncernens andel av Catella AB:s resultat uppgick till 135 Mkr (121)
Resultat efter finansiella poster uppgick därefter till 352 mkr (787).

Synlig soliditet uppgår till 37,6 % (38,8). För tredje året skall koncernen i enlighet med nya redovisningsregler, K3, uppge marknadsvärde för fastigheter och derivat. Värdet redovisas endast i not och uppgick per balansdagen för fastigheter till 10,8 mdr (8,6) och för derivat till – 0,32 mdr (- 0,28). Med hänsyn taget till dessa värden uppgår koncernens justerade soliditet till 60 % (58).

Koncernen lämnar inga prognoser för kommande perioder.
– ”Resultatet för 2016 är i linje med våra prognoser. Vårt fastighetsbolag, CA Fastigheter AB, har under året inte sålt fastigheter mer än marginellt varför en resultatjämförelse med föregående år blir orättvis. Istället har en rad förvärv av såväl förvaltningsfastigheter som utvecklingsprojekt genomförts vilka bedöms tillföra stora värden för koncernen på sikt. Koncernens jordbruksbolag i Ukraina, BZK Grain Alliance AB, redovisar ett starkt resultat trots minskade subventioner från Ukrainska staten. Därutöver visar Catella AB fortsatt bra resultat och en god tillväxt. Vi står därmed väl rustat att fortsätta utveckla våra portföljbolag”, säger Claesson & Anderzén AB:s VD Johan Damne

Year-end-report 2015

Claesson & Anderzén AB, the Group, has today published its annual report for 2015. See, where the report can be downloaded.

The net turnover amounted in total to SEK 2,236 million (1,711) with rental income increasing to SEK 590 million (556).

The net turnover of the agricultural business amounted to SEK 403 million (228), an increase mainly attributable to reduced stock between the years.
The occupancy rate for the property portfolio at year-end was 91 per cent (93), including acquisitions of real estate with substantial vacancies during the year. This indicates potential for increasing the Group’s total rental income.
The operating surplus from real estate management increased to SEK 359 million (339).
Sales of properties as well as profit/loss recognition of real estate development projects contributed strongly to the result for the year. The result from these operations amounted in total to SEK 446 million (208).

The result of the agricultural business was SEK 148 million (48) in spite of the continued turbulence in Ukraine throughout the year, resulting in sharp devaluations of the local currency.
The Group’s holdings in Catella AB, corresponding to 49.9% of the capital, have been a major contributor to the result for the year. The Group’s share of Catella AB’s result amounted to SEK 121 million (105).
The result after financial income and expenses increased to SEK 787 million (461).
Equity ratio amounts to 38.8% (32.1). For the second year, in accordance with new K3 accounting regulations, the Group will be reporting market value of property and derivatives. The value is presented only in notes, and amounted on the real estate balance sheet date to SEK 8.6 billion (8.0) and, for derivatives, to minus SEK 0.28 billion (minus 0.35). Taking these values into account, the Group’s adjusted solidity amounts to 59% (51).

The Group is not presenting any forecasts for future periods.
“The result for 2015 exceeds our forecasts. Most of the Group’s portfolio companies have improved their business. Not least, it is extremely satisfactory to say both that the Group’s agricultural company in Ukraine, BZK Grain Alliance AB, reports a strong result in spite of an exceptional situation in the country, and that Catella AB continues to demonstrate vigorous growth as well as good profitability. This, together with the very robust result of our real estate company, CA Fastigheter AB, has contributed to a historically good result for the Group,” says Johan Damne, CEO of  Claesson & Anderzén AB.