CA Fastigheter publishes prospectus and applies for admission to trading at Nasdaq Stockholm

CA Fastigheter Aktiebolag (publ) (“CA Fastigheter”) has on 28 March 2024 issued senior unsecured green bonds in an amount of SEK 500 million within a framework of SEK 1 billion (the“ Bonds”).

In accordance with the terms of the Bonds, CA Fastigheter has undertaken to apply for admission of the Bonds at Nasdaq Stockholm. Accordingly, CA Fastigheter has prepared a listing prospectus which has been approved by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority today. The prospectus is available on CA Fastighter’s website and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority’s website The application for admission to trading has been submitted and the first day of trading in the Bonds on the sustainable bond list of Nasdaq Stockholm is expected to be on or around 15 May 2024.


For further information, please contact:

Malin Claesson Stenström, CEO

+4673-923 97 59,

Caroline Menninge, CFO

+4670-534 25 86,

Interim report CA Fastigheter AB (publ) January-March 2024

Interim report CA Fastigheter AB (publ) January-March 2024


  • Rental income increased by 9% to MSEK 222 (203).
  • The operating surplus increased by 14% to MSEK 143 (125), giving a surplus ratio of 64.4 (61.8) %.
  • Profit from property management decreased by 3% and amounted to MSEK 78 (80). The decrease is mainly due to an increased financial expense.
  • Profit from project activities amounted to MSEK 0 (23).
  • The market value of the properties amounted to MSEK 14,573 (15,191). CA Fastigheter does not market value the properties continuously during the year, increased value from year end 2023 refers to investments and exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Profit after tax amounted to MSEK 99 (48). The increase is mainly due to changes in the value of derivatives.


Significant events during January – March 2024:

– In February, CA Fastigheter appointed Malin Claesson Stenström as its new CEO. Malin will take up her position in connection with Andreas von Hedenberg’s resignation on April 30, 2024. Malin is part of the fourth generation of the owner family and currently holds the position of Regional Manager in Stockholm for CA Fastigheter.

– CA Fastigheter has issued a senior unsecured green bond in an amount of SEK 500 million with a tenor of three years and will carry a floating interest rate of STIBOR 3m plus 225 basis points per annum. The bond issue took place on 28 March 2024. CA Fastigheter intends to apply for admission to trading of the bond on the sustainable bond list of Nasdaq Stockholm. In connection with the issuance of a new bond, an early redemption of the previous green bond of SEK 500 million has been made.


For further information, please contact:

Andreas von Hedenberg, CEO
+4673-965 58 19,

Caroline Menninge, CFO
+4670-534 25 86,

CA Fastigheter AB rekryterar ny regionchef till region Kalmar

CA Fastigheter har rekryterat Richard Bergquist som ny regionchef i Kalmar. Richard arbetar idag som Teknisk Chef på Oskarshamns kommun med ansvar för den tekniska förvaltningen och dess 220 medarbetare. Innan dess har han haft flera roller inom Skanska.

Richard Bergquist tillträder som regionchef den 27:e maj i år och kommer arbeta med att fortsatt förvalta och utveckla fastighetsbeståndet för CA Fastigheter i Kalmar.

”Vi är glada över att rekryterat Richard till CA Fastigheter. Med sin kompetens och ledarskap blir Richard ett bra tillskott till teamet. Jag välkomnar Richard till CA Fastigheter”, säger Anders Gustafsson, Fastighetsutvecklingschef på CA Fastigheter.

Year end report 2023 CA Fastigheter AB (publ)

  • Rental income increased by 11.4% to MSEK 858 (770).
  • Net operating income increased by 14.9% to MSEK 569 (495), resulting in a surplus ratio of 66.3% (64.3%).
  • Profit from property management decreased by 9.8% to MSEK 280 (310), mainly due to higher financial expenses.
  • Income from project activities amounted to MSEK 74 (104).
  • The market value of properties amounted to MSEK 14,338 (14,884). Unrealized changes in the value of properties for the year amounted to MSEK -1,037 (345).
  • Profit after tax amounted to MSEK -700 (314), mainly due to changes in the value of properties and derivatives.


Significant events during the year:

– During the first quarter of 2023, CA Fastigheter completed a major acquisition comprising of five properties in Norrköping; Kraften 9, Kraften 10, Rapsfjärilen 9, Höfjärilen 1 and Fotogenen 7. In addition, a property in Borås was acquired; Källbäcksryd 1:408. All the acquired properties are of the warehouse and light industry type. No property was sold during the year.

– During the first quarter, BRF Kompassen, consisting of 18 apartments, was completed and during the last quarter, BRF Bojen, consisting of 32 apartments, was completed. Both projects are located on Varvsholmen in Kalmar. BRF Bojen was the last of a total of three phases of the Tampen project on Varvsholmen. The remaining projects on Varvsholmen are Märlspiken and Splitsen.

– During the year, 63% of the company Classic Living CL AB, corporate identity number 559091-1052, was acquired. The shares were acquired from CA Investment AB, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CA Fastigheter AB’s parent company Claesson & Anderzén AB. Classic Living CL AB is a Swedish public limited company whose business consists of developing accommodation on the Spanish Costa del Sol with a focus on Malaga and the surrounding area. The company’s Spanish parent company, Classic Living & Development SL, has offices in Malaga.

– Green work is in constant focus throughout the business. During the year, several environmental certifications were completed for both new construction and in the existing portfolio. In 2023, two newly built properties were environmentally certified in accordance with the Sweden Green Building Council’s Miljöbyggnad and three properties in accordance with the Sweden Green Building Council’s Miljöbyggnad iDrift. All five properties have received a silver rating.


For further information, please contact:


Andreas von Hedenberg, CEO

+4673-965 58 19,

Caroline Menninge, CFO

+4670-534 25 86,

Interim report CA Fastigheter AB (publ) January-September 2023


  • Rental income increased by 13.3% to MSEK 643 (568).
  • The operating surplus increased by 17.2% to MSEK 430 (367), giving a surplus ratio of 66.9 (64.7) %.
  • Profit from property management decreased by 2.1% and amounted to MSEK 222 (227). The decrease is mainly due to an increased financial expense.
  • Profit from project activities amounted to MSEK 22 (104).
  • The market value of the properties amounted to MSEK 15,407 (14,972). CA Fastigheter does not market value the properties continuously during the year, increased value from year end 2022 refers to investments and exchange rate fluctuations.
  • Profit after tax amounted to MSEK 189 (520). The decrease is mainly due to changes in the value of derivatives.


Significant events during July – September 2023:

– During the period, 63% of the company Classic Living CL AB, corporate identification number 5559091-1052, was acquired. The shares have been acquired from CA Investment AB, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CA Fastigheter AB’s parent company Claesson & Anderzén AB. The restructuring within the Group has been carried out in order to consolidate the real estate operations under CA Fastigheter AB’s ownership. Classic Living CL AB is a Swedish public limited company whose business consists of developing real estate on the Spanish Costa del Sol with a focus on Malaga and the surrounding area. The company’s Spanish parent company, Classic Living & Development SL, has offices in Malaga.

– The property Hevea 6 in Borås was completed during the period and the tenant Wikholm Form AB has moved into a warehouse of 14,726 sqm. The property is thus fully leased. In connection with completion, the property was environmentally certified and received the rating Miljöbyggnad Silver.


For further information, please contact:


Andreas von Hedenberg, CEO

+4673-965 58 19,

Caroline Menninge, CFO

+4670-534 25 86,