Changed accounting period for previously communicated divestment of development projects

Catella AB (publ) communicated via a press release on October 2, 2019 that, through its associated company Nordic Seeding GmbH, the Company has signed an agreement with the German property developer CG Gruppe AG to divest the Grand Central property development project in Düsseldorf, Germany. The transaction has a total positive effect on the profit after tax of approximately SEK 170 M, which is expected to be reported during the first quarter of 2020. The transaction was previously communicated to be reported during the fourth quarter of 2019. The transaction and value for Catella are unchanged compared to previous communications.
The reason for the shift in the accounting period is that the shares in the project were not transferred to the buyer as of December last 2019, which means, in accordance with IFRS, that the transaction cannot be reported during the fourth quarter 2019.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen
CEO and President
+46 8 463 33 10
Niklas Bommelin
Investor Relations
+46 76 891 12 40

About Catella: Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 15 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 180 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Marcus Holmstrand leaves as CFO at Catella

Catella AB’s (publ) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has announced that he resigns from his employment. He will continue in his current role during the notice period of six months to ensure an orderly transition until a new CFO takes office.
Marcus Holmstrand has been CFO of Catella since September 2015 and previously worked as Group Business Controller since 2011.
During his time at Catella, Marcus Holmstrand has been very important to the company’s strong development. Marcus has contributed as CFO but has also taken on a broader responsibility in his role as a member of Group Management. After eight years at Catella, I understand that Marcus wants to look for new challenges outside of the company. I want to thank him for this time and wish him all the best with future challenges,” says CEO Knut Pedersen.
Three weeks ago, it was announced that CEO Knut Pedersen will leave Catella in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting in May 2020.
Catella is now facing two important recruits where one, to the role of new CEO, has already begun and where we will immediately begin the recruitment of new CFO. My ambition is for the transition to take place as smoothly as possible, which we can ensure by the fact that both the current CEO and CFO continue to work well into 2020. I would like to thank both Marcus and Knut for their many important contributions to Catella’s development. Now we have the opportunity to recruit a new strong team that can continue the Catella growth journey.” says Catella’s Chairman Johan Claesson.

For more information, please contact:
Johan Claesson
Chairman of the Board
+46 70 547 16 36

Knut Pedersen                            Jonas Burvall
President and CEO                    Head of Group Communications
+46 8 463 33 10                        +46 766 27 97 55

This is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 13.00 p.m. CET on December 17, 2019.
Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 15 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 185 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Knut Pedersen leaves as CEO of Catella

Catella AB’s (publ) President and CEO Knut Pedersen has informed the Board that he wishes to leave his role as CEO. He will continue in his current role during the notice period of a maximum of 6 months and will leave the position as CEO at the latest in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting.
Knut Pedersen has been CEO of Catella since January 1, 2014.

“During his six years as CEO, Knut Pedersen has successfully developed Catella into a pan-European finance group in real estate and alternative investments. It is my belief that Knut still have a lot to add to Catella, why my wish is that Knut will be elected to the Catella AB’s Board of Directors. Recruitment of a new CEO begins immediately with the ambition of finding a CEO who can lead the company’s continued growth journey.” says Johan Claesson, Chairman and main owner of Catella.

“Catella is a fantastic company which it has been a privilege to lead and develop together with my colleagues. I am proud of what we have achieved during my time at Catella. Catella is well positioned for future growth while at the same time the company stands on a broad, commercial and geographical basis.” says Catella CEO Knut Pedersen.

For more information, please contact:
Johan Claesson
Chairman of the Board
+46 70 547 16 36

Knut Pedersen                             Jonas Burvall
President and CEO                    Head of Group Communications
+46 8 463 33 10                        +46 766 27 97 55

This is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 8:45 a.m. CET on 18 November 2019.
Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 15 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 185 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Catella divests development project with a positive effect on profit after tax of approx. SEK 170 M during the fourth quarter

Catella AB (publ) has, through its associated company Nordic Seeding GmbH, signed an agreement, with German Real Estate developer CG Gruppe AG, to divest the property development project Grand Central in Düsseldorf, Germany. The deal has a positive effect on profit after tax of approximately SEK 170 M during the fourth quarter 2019.

Catella AB’s investment was conducted through the associated companies Nordic Seeding GmbH and Grand Central Beteiligungs GmbH. The project has been developed and managed by Catella’s German subsidiary Catella Project Management GmbH.

“The realisation of the project in this phase is a proof of concept of what Catella aim for within our Project Management-operations where we focus on early phase development. Since 2015, when the purchase of Grand Central Düsseldorf was made, Catella Project Management has brought the development plan into force, obtained the building permits for all parts of the project and conducted the disposal and construction maturity. Catella has now found a strong partner to complete the entire project”, says Catella CEO Knut Pedersen.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen Niklas Bommelin
President and CEO Investor Relations
+46 8 463 33 10 +46 8 463 34 26, +46 768 91 12 40


This is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 2.40 p.m. CET on October 2, 2019.

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 15 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 200 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Catella will write down two loan portfolios during the third quarter of 2019 amounting to approximately SEK 82 M

During the third quarter of 2019, Catella will write down two loan portfolios, Lusitano 3 and Lusitano 5. The write-down is due to the issuing bank having exercised its option (“Time call”) to repurchase the loan portfolio Lusitano 3, which is written down with approximately SEK 51 M. In view of the above, the assumptions for Lusitano 5 has been changed. Lusitano 5 may be repurchased during the second quarter of 2021. This negatively affects its forecasted cash flow and is therefore written down with approximately SEK 31 M.
The background to the repurchase is related to changed conditions for the issuing bank. Previous cash flow forecasts, carried out by external advisor, included assumptions that the issuing bank would not exercise its option to repurchase the loan portfolio.
The repurchase mechanism in Lusitano 3 and Lusitano 5 which entails this write-down does not exist in Catella’s two other loan portfolios, Pastor 2 and Pastor 4.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen
CEO and President
+46 8 463 33 10
Niklas Bommelin
Investor Relations
+46 76 891 12 40

This is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 5:25 p.m. CET on 23 September 2019.
Catella is a leading specialist in property investments and fund management, with operations in 15 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 200 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at