Strategic Review of Catella Bank

In order to ensure that Catella Bank’s various operations get the best possible conditions for development, and to achieve operational efficiency and optimized capital structure for the Catella Group, a strategic review has been initiated.
Currently, consolidation is taking place in Wealth Management in Luxembourg, where Nordic actors are leaving, creating a need for customers to find a counterparty who can understand and meet their demands. Catella intends to evaluate solutions to create optimal conditions to meet the customer needs and for continuing to operate in the Wealth Management-segment, through partnerships, or other types of collaborations, within the framework of a structure that does not bring about a consolidated situation for the Catella Group.
The current structure means that the consolidation of Catella Bank in the Catella Group entails extensive capital and regulatory requirements for operations outside of Catella Bank, which in turn affects the cost- and capital structure.
”Catella has grown its Wealth Management business rapidly in recent years. We have invested in skilled employees and, through cooperation with other parts of Catella, created attractive exposures and a high quality offer which is much appreciated by investors and customers. This business must be conducted through a structure that ensures customer needs and is effective from a cost- and capital perspective for the Group.” says Knut Pedersen, CEO of Catella.
In connection to the review of the structure it is natural to ensure, for continued growth, that the card issuing operations have an efficient operating platform. Work has begun, together with the business area management, to create the necessary conditions, and evaluate the structure, for the business.
Catella has previously announced that a strategic review of Catella Bank’s card acquiring operations is ongoing and is expected to be completed during the coming quarter.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen
CEO and President
+46 8 463 33 10
Press contact:
Jonas Burvall
Head of Group Communications
+46 8 463 33 05, +46 766 27 97 55

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 14 European countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 180 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Change in number of shares and votes in Catella AB (publ)

The number of shares and votes in Catella AB (publ) has changed consequent upon the issue of 2,266,666 new Class B shares in May upon exercise of warrants in the incentive programme adopted by the extraordinary general meeting held 13 February 2014.
Subsequent to the exercise of warrants, the total number of shares in the Catella AB (publ) at 31 May 2018 was 84,115,238 and the total number of votes was 94,237,458, of which 2,530,555 ordinary shares in Class A (carrying a total of 12,652,775 votes) and 81,584,683 ordinary shares in Class B (carrying a total of 81,584,683 votes).
This information is such that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 07.00 CET on 31 May 2018.

For further information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen President and Chief Executive Officer +46 8 463 33 10
About Catella: Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 14 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 180 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Bulletin from annual general meeting of Catella AB (publ)

Today Catella AB (publ) held its annual general meeting at which the following resolutions were adopted:
• income statement and consolidated balance sheet for 2017.
• Retained profits and net profit for the year shall be carried forward.
• To pay a dividend of SEK 1.00 (0.80) per share for the financial year 2017. The record date for the dividend is 30 May, 2018. It is estimated that     payment will be made through Euroclear Sweden AB on 4 June 2018.
• The number of board members shall be five (5) and no deputy board members are to be elected, and that one auditor is elected.
• Fees to board members totalling SEK 2,370,000 (previous year SEK 2,120,000),
• of which the chairman of the board shall receive SEK 570,000 (SEK 550,000) and other board members SEK 350,000 (SEK 330,000) each.
• of which fees for service on the board audit committee in the amount of SEK 130 000 (80,000) to the chairman of the committee and SEK         100,000 (50,000) each to the other members of the committee.
• of which fees for service on the board compensation committee in the amount of SEK 40,000 (40,000) to the chairman of the committee and     SEK 30,000 (30,000) to the other member of the committee.
• The audit fee shall be payable in accordance with the approved invoice.
• Re-election of all existing board members, Johan Claesson, Johan Damne, Joachim Gahm, Anna Ramel and Jan Roxendal. Johan Claesson was   elected chairman of the board.
• PricewaterhouseCoopers AB was re-elected as the company’s auditor for a new term from the end of the AGM 2018 to the end of the AGM 2019,  with Daniel Algotsson as auditor-in-charge.
• To adopt the nomination committee’s proposals regarding principles for the nomination committee for the AGM 2019.
• To approve a resolution proposed by the board regarding guidelines for remuneration to senior executives.
• To approve a resolution proposed by the board regarding amendment of the objects of the Company’s business stated in the Articles of Association.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen
CEO and President
+46 8 463 33 10
Press contact:
Jonas Burvall
Head of Group Communications
+46 8 463 33 05, +46 766 27 97 55

This information is such that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 16.00 CET on 28 May 2018.
Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 14 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 180 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Catella strengthens UK presence

Catella strengthens UK presence by signing a conditioned share purchase agreement to acquire majority stake in APAM Ltd
Catella AB has, through Catella Property Fund Management AB (“CPFM”), signed a share purchase agreement to acquire a majority stake in the leading UK real estate investment and asset management company, APAM Ltd. Closing of the transaction requires regulatory approval and other conditions to be fulfilled.
APAM Ltd (“APAM”) has experienced fast growth over recent years and had revenues of approximately GBP 7 million during the calendar year 2017. CPFM has agreed to acquire 75% of the shares in APAM for a price corresponding to GBP 18 million, on a debt and cash free basis. A non-refundable down payment of the purchase price of GBP 2.7 million was made at signing, while the remaining amount is to be paid in cash upon completion. Catella is not obligated to complete the transaction according to the agreement but it is expected to complete during second half of 2018, subject to necessary regulatory approval having been obtained from the financial supervisory authority in Luxembourg, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).
As a leading company within the strategically important UK market, APAM constitutes a key piece in Catella’s ambition to build the pan-European platform Catella has built the last years within our Property Investment Management business area, which has been our focus for the last four years”, says Knut Pedersen, CEO of Catella AB.
APAM is an independent real estate investment and asset manager operating exclusively in the UK market with a combination of skills to offer clients an ‘end to end’ approach to support their investment strategy. APAM has assets under management (“AUM”) of GBP 1.4 billion and 41 employees.
Simon Cooke and William Powell, founders and executive directors of APAM, will remain shareholders in APAM, each with 12.5% of the share capital and voting power after the transaction. APAM will continue to be independently run by its current management team and to pursue its successful growth strategy within UK. Co-operation between Catella and APAM will start immediately. Management from both companies see significant opportunities to strengthen their offering to international investors by leveraging the combined pan-European reach the two companies can provide. With APAM, Catella will reach SEK 200bn in AUM (GBP 18bn).
Catella Property Investment Management has continuously strengthened its competitive position over the last years and has experienced an annual cumulated growth rate (CAGR) in AUM of 23% and a CAGR of 43% the last three years. This transaction further strengthens our position.” says Timo Nurminen, Head of Property Investment Management at Catella.
We are impressed by the strong risk adjusted return APAM generates for its clients and are delighted to expand our offering for our clients in UK. Catella’s clients, in particular our Asian office’s, will be able to expand their pan-European allocation with a significant share allocated to the UK”, says Timo Nurminen.
Simon Cooke, founding shareholder and executive director, said: “This transaction brings together two great names in property investment management and Catella’s strategic investment provides us with an even stronger platform for growth. Will and I will continue to lead and drive the APAM business – it will be very much ‘business as usual’. We have enjoyed building APAM over the last eight years and look forward to working with Catella to leverage the new opportunities that this partnership brings.”
William Powell, founding shareholder and executive director, added: “Joining forces with Catella, marks the start of an exciting new chapter in APAM’s development, providing our clients with access to best-in-class advisers across 14 countries and an even more extensive range of services. By combining our strengths, this strategic partnership delivers significant potential to grow our business and our international client base, as well as opportunities for our team.”
In connection with the deal, CPFM and the two minority owners in APAM have entered into a call and put option agreement under which CPFM is being granted a call option to acquire the shares of the minority owners and the minority owners are being granted a put option to sell their shares to CPFM during the autumn 2023 at a price to be calculated through a pre-set formula depending on future profit development.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen
+46 8-463 33 10
Timo Nurminen
Head of Property Investment Management
+358 50 337 3320

The information in this press release is such information that Catella AB (publ) is required to disclose pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014). The information was provided for publication under the auspices of the above contacts on 10 March at 2.30 am CET.
About Catella: Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 12 European countries. The group has sales of approximately SEK 2 billion and manages assets of approximately SEK 150 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more at

Catella publishes preliminary figures for 2017

Catella publishes preliminary figures for 2017 and conducts a strategic review of card acquiring, resulting in reduced income in 2018
Following a strategic review of the card acquiring business that will result in reduced income in 2018, Catella has chosen to publish preliminary figures. Catella’s total income for the full-year 2017 amounts to SEK 2,477m (2,027), operating profit before impairment of intangible assets to SEK 414m (258) and profit for the period to SEK 284m (207*), of which attributable to shareholders of the parent company SEK 192m (122*). Finalised figures will be published in full on Friday, 23 February 2018 in Catella’s year-end report.
Catella has decided to conduct a strategic review of its card acquiring business. As a consequence, the client portfolio will be reduced and strategic options will be evaluated in relation to the remaining client portfolio. Income within the card acquiring business is expected to decrease by approximately SEK 70m annually from end of the first quarter of 2018. As a consequence of the strategic review, impairment of intangible assets and goodwill will take place totalling SEK 53m per 31 December 2017 in the Banking business area.
The total impairment of intangible assets amounts to SEK 53m per 31 December 2017, of which a goodwill impairment of SEK 20m is attributable to the anticipated reduction in income within the card acquiring business. Other impairment is a consequence of the strategic review and relates to other intangible assets of SEK 33m, expenses that are largely capitalised in 2017 and are attributable to IT systems and product development.
“The decrease in income within the card acquiring business should be considered in relation to Catella’s total income for full year 2017 of SEK 2,477m and an operating profit of SEK 414m before impairment of the intangible assets. This is the best operating profit that Catella has generated and we strongly believe that the initiatives taken within the Catella group will lead to continued growth going forward,” says Knut Pedersen, Catella’s CEO.
* Excluding the sale of shares in Visa Europe that took place in the second quarter of 2016 and gave a non-recurring effect for full-year 2016 of SEK 224m before tax reported in net financial income and SEK 150m after tax.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen
CEO and President
+46 8 463 33 10

This information is information that Catella AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 7:00 p.m. CET on 21 February 2018.

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 14 European countries. The group manages assets of approximately SEK 170 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more at