30 November 2015 16:52 | Catella AB
A Nominating Committee has been appointed for Catella AB (publ) pending the Annual General Meeting of 30 May 2016, pursuant to a resolution adopted at the Annual General Meeting held on 21 May 2015 regarding principles for the Nominating Committee.
Press release
The Nominating Committee comprises the following persons:
Patrik Tigerschiöld, appointed by Bure Equity AB (publ), and Chairman of the Nominating Committee
Johan Claesson, appointed by CA Plusinvest AB, and Chairman of the board in Catella AB
Thomas Andersson Borstam, private and appointed by TAB Holding AB
Pending the Annual General Meeting, the duties of the Nominating Committee will be to present proposals regarding the number of directors, fees to the directors and auditors, the composition of the Board of directors, a Chairman of the board, a resolution regarding a Nominating Committee, a Chairman of the general meeting, and choice of auditors.
Shareholders who wish to present proposals to the Nominating Committee must do so in writing not later than 26 February 2016 to valberedning@catella.se or to the following address:
Att: The Nominating Committee
Catella AB
P.O. Box 5894
SE-102 40 Stockholm
The Nominating Committee’s proposals will be presented in the notice to attend the Annual General Meeting and published on the company’s website.