Catella exits its Corporate Finance operations in the Baltics

Following Friday’s press release on Catella winding down its German Corporate Finance operations, Catella today announces the decision to exit its Corporate Finance operations in the Baltics.

Both decisions were based on a strategic review of the Corporate Finance business area with the aim of identifying markets where Catella Corporate Finance has a strong market position or an opportunity to reach a solid and profitable position.

“As with our German Corporate Finance operations, we have concluded that we will not be able to reach the strong market position that is necessary to be successful in the Baltics. Exiting the German and Baltic Corporate Finance markets means that we can now wholeheartedly focus on growth and expansion of our remaining five strong markets and our pan-European offering in Debt Advisory. Corporate Finance is at the heart of Catella, and we are excited about our future growth in our core markets. It is never an easy decision to wind down an operation and I extend my best wishes to the Baltics team going forward.” says Christoffer Abramson, CEO Catella

The exit will take place during the second quarter of 2022 and have limited impact on financials.

Catella focuses its European Corporate Finance operations

Following a strategic review of the Corporate Finance business area, Catella has decided to wind up its operations in Germany. The review was aimed to identify markets where Catella Corporate Finance has a strong market position or an opportunity to reach a strong and profitable position.

The review has resulted in the decision to close down operations in Germany in order to allocate time and resources to develop and strengthen Corporate Finance operations in the other countries.
Catella has begun negotiations on the planned measures with full regard to local legislation and practice. The planned measures are expected to lead to restructuring costs amounting to approximately SEK 20 Million, which will be charged to the first quarter of 2022.

“Corporate Finance is an important and integrated part of Catella that not only contributes positively to Catella’s operating profit but also with significant synergies and market intelligence to our other two business areas, Property Investment Management and Principal Investments. While we perform well in markets where we have a relevant market share, we have not achieved the profitability we strive for in Germany. Therefore, we have made the difficult decision to close our operations in order to wholeheartedly focus and strengthen the offer in the markets where we can further consolidate our presence, ”says Christoffer Abramson, CEO Catella.

Germany will remain as Catella’s largest market after the restructuring, through the property funds in Catella Real Estate AG (CREAG) and Catella Residential Investment Management (CRIM) as well as the property development company Catella Project Management (CPM).

Första last med förnödenheter och medicinartiklar till våra anställda och markägare i Ukraina

Som tidigare uppmärksammats i flera medier så har CA koncernen ett stort engagemang i Ukraina via sitt helägda bolag BZK Grain Alliance AB som bedriver jordbruksverksamhet i fyra regioner i Ukraina. Totalt omfattar verksamheten cirka 60 000 hektar åkermark, 1100 anställda och därutöver relation med knappt 15 000 markägare. Inledningsvis, sedan Rysslands ytterligare invasion av Ukraina, har fokus från CA koncernen varit att stödja vår personal och våra markägare med akuta insatser på plats i Ukraina.

För att ytterligare stödja landet, och kanske främst våra anställda och markägare som befinner sig i de hårdast drabbade områdena i Ukraina, påbörjade CA under förra veckan ett arbete för att leverera en första last med förnödenheter och medicinartiklar från Sverige.

Vår möjlighet att ta emot gods vid gränsen mot Polen är god, då vi i Ukraina har en stor logistikorganisation med egna fordon samt god lokalkännedom vilket förhoppningsvis underlättar att vi kan få ut förnödenheter till de som behöver det mest.

Uppslutningen och viljan att hjälpa till är fantastisk. Logistiken till gränsen mot Ukraina sköter Börjes Åkeri i Nybro som har stor vana av transporter till Polen och Östeuropa. Flera företag har också hjälpt till med material i form av kängor, sovsäckar, ficklampor, första hjälpen-kit etc.

Under fredagsförmiddagen lastade man på Börjes på allt material på den lastbil som körs ner till gränsen av en ukrainsk lastbilschaufför som själv lämnade landet för några år sedan, men som har familj kvar i Ukraina.

– Min bror är kvar i landet, det har varit en del bombningar i närheten av där han befinner sig men under de senaste dygnen har det varit något lugnare, förklarar han.

CA kommer även fortsättningsvis att leverera mat och förnödenheter med egna transporter. Kontakter är redan tagna med lokala och regionala frivilligorganisationer för att få till samarbeten med dessa hjälpsändningar. Vi ser dock gärna att vi får kontakt med fler organisationer som på olika sätt kan hjälpa till i detta nödvändiga arbete.

Catella’s partly owned company Infrahubs to develop a second logistics property in Vaggeryd

Catella co-owned Infrahubs has recently signed an agreement to develop a logistics facility in Vaggeryd for Svenska Retursystem AB (SRS). In connection with this, Infrahubs acquires a land area amounting to 78 000 square meters.

The 30,000 square meter building will be fully let to SRS with a 15-year lease contract. Catella’s ownership share is 40%.
The facility will be built in accordance with the Sustainability Certification Miljöbyggnad Silver and have one of Scandinavia’s largest roof-mounted solar cell panels with an estimated annual production of 3.7 GWh. SRS will start leasing the building in Q2 2023.

”We are pleased to develop a new, modern and sustainable facility for Svenska Retursystem. SRS contributes to the reuse of load carriers for large parts of the grocery industry and energy efficiency as well as circular flows of water will be prioritized areas in the construction process. The agreement confirms Infrahubs strong position as a modern logistics property developer with sustainability and automation in focus and affirms the strong property development platform we are developing in Infrahubs with five ongoing projects,” says Christoffer Abramson, CEO of Catella.

Through partly owned Infrahubs, Catella develops sustainable logistics facilities that meet tomorrow’s requirements of modern and highly automated solutions. Within the Infrahubs portfolio, three other properties are currently being developed, located in Ljungby, Vaggeryd and Örebro. A fourth property has been completed and is fully let in Norrköping.