Income and expenses related to the wind down of the Banking business area

The wind down and divestment of the Banking operations develops according to plan. In the Year-end report 2018 Catella will, in accordance with the IFRS accounting standard, report expenses of SEK 164 M and deferred tax assets of SEK 51 M, which relate to 2019 and are attributable to the wind down of the Banking business area. According to IFRS, consideration from the divestments of Wealth Management Sweden and Luxembourg and the Card issuing operation will be reported in connection with the completion of the transactions.
Total consideration, which is estimated to accrue to Catella, amount to approximately SEK 384 M attributable to the previously announced divestments. During the first half of 2019, consideration of approximately SEK 258 M is expected to be reported. In addition, approximately SEK 126 M is expected to accrue to Catella regarding the earn-out with a maximum potential of approximately SEK 240 M, which is attributable to the sale of the Card issuing operations. The earn-out will be reported at the end of 2019 or at the beginning of 2020.
Total expenses, from October 2018 to beginning of 2020, relating to the Banking business area are estimated at approximately SEK 368 M, of which SEK 164 M is reported in the fourth quarter of 2018. Expenses in 2019 and beginning of 2020 are expected to amount to approximately SEK 204 million.
As previously communicated, equity of SEK 437 M, as of September 30, 2018, is expected to be secured in Banking. Shareholders’ equity is expected to be transferred to the Parent Company upon completion of the wind down.
During the fourth quarter of 2018, the strategic review was completed when Catella entered into agreements to divest the Wealth Management operations in Luxembourg to VP Bank and 51% of the Wealth Management operations in Sweden to Söderberg & Partners and to divest the Card issuing operations in Luxembourg to Advanzia Bank S.A. The transaction regarding the Wealth Management operation in Luxembourg to VP Bank was completed in February 2019 and the final consideration amounted to SEK 95 M.
The transfer of card customers according to the agreement with Advanzia Bank S.A. will take place during 2019 and up to the beginning of 2020 to ensure that the maximum number of customers is part of the transaction.
As of the third quarter 2018, Catella reports the Banking business area as a divestment group held for sale.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen
CEO and President
+46 8 463 33 10
Niklas Bommelin
Investor Relations
+46 76 891 12 40
This is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.30 CET on 15 February 2019.
Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 14 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 180 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Catella’s divestment of Wealth Management operations in Luxembourg concluded

On October 26, 2018, Catella Bank S.A., a wholly owned subsidiary of Catella AB (publ), announced that it had entered into an asset transfer agreement to divest its Wealth Management operations in Luxembourg to VP Bank (Luxembourg) SA. The transaction is now completed and the final consideration amounts to SEK 95 million.
The consideration was dependent on certain conditions related to assets under management on the transaction date, and as the transaction is completed, the final purchase price has been set at SEK 95 million against previously communicated approximately SEK 110 million. The difference is mainly due to the fact that the assets under management decreased due to the weak market development.
The divestment of the Wealth Management operations in Luxembourg is a result of the now completed strategic review of Catella’s banking operations. The purpose of the strategic review was to exit the consolidated situation due to the extensive regulatory framework and inefficient capital structure it entails.

For more information, please contact:
Press contact:
Niklas Bommelin
Investor Relations
+46 8 463 34 26, +46 776 891 12 40

Jonas Burvall
Head of Group Communications
+46 8 463 33 05, +46 766 27 97 55

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 14 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 180 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Catella divests Card Issuing operations in Luxembourg to Advanzia Bank and completes strategic review

Catella Bank S.A, a fully owned subsidiary of Catella AB (publ), has entered an agreement to divest its Card Issuing operations in Luxembourg to Advanzia Bank S.A. as part of the previously announced strategic review. The fixed consideration amounts to approx. SEK 120 Million with an additional earn-out structure with a maximum potential of approx. SEK 240 Million.
Divesting the Card Issuing operations in Luxembourg is an important step for Catella in order to exit the consolidated situation due to the extensive regulatory framework and inefficient capital-structure it entails. In the process it has been important to find a counterparty who can understand and meet our customers’ demands. Catella has evaluated various options and found the optimal conditions, for both customers and employees, in Advanzia Bank.
Advanzia Bank S.A. was founded in 2005 in Luxembourg and is a European online direct bank specialising in credit cards and payment solutions. Advanzia has a strong record of servicing private banks and financial institutions with turnkey credit card programs. With 1.2 million credit card customers, the bank achieved a turnover of EUR 2.3 billion in 2017.
Advanzia Bank is a strong and credible actor within the credit card operations and I feel confident our customers will be in good hands. Catella recently announced different solutions for the Wealth Management operations in both Luxembourg and Sweden. With this transaction Catella takes another important step towards a more efficient capital-structure and less extensive regulatory framework,” says Knut Pedersen, CEO of Catella Group.
Acquiring Catella’s credit card portfolio in Luxembourg is a perfect fit for us, as it not only complements our existing business lines, but also enables us to expand our market share,” comments Roland Ludwig, CEO of Advanzia Bank.
The balance sheet total of Catella Group will be reduced by approx. SEK 350 Million as both assets and liabilities will be transferred to Advanzia Bank due to the transaction. The fixed consideration will be paid during Q1 2019 and the additional earn-out before year end 2019.
Given the divestment of the Card Issuing-operations to Advanzia Bank, the strategic review is completed and Catella’s banking operation is expected to cease during 2019. In conjunction with the interim report for the third quarter of 2018, Catella communicated the Banking business area as Disposal group held for sale and the equity in Banking, as of 30 September 2018, amounted to SEK 437 million. Catella expects a net result from the divestments and costs related to restructuring, within the framework of the strategic review, where the latest communicated equity in Banking is secured alternatively exceeds the SEK 437 million given the outcome on the above mentioned additional earn out. Catella intends to return as to how the strategic review affects the Group’s consolidated situation, capital requirements and regulation, as soon as this can be concretized.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen
CEO and President
+46 8 463 33 10
Press contact:
Jonas Burvall
Head of Group Communications
+46 8 463 33 05, +46 766 27 97 55

This information is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 14.00 CET on 18th of December 2018.
Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 14 countries. The group manages assets of approximately SEK 180 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more at

Catella completes the purchase of 75% in APAM

Catella AB (publ) (”Catella”) completes, through a subsidiary, the previously announced transaction to acquire 75% of leading UK real estate investment and asset management company, APAM Ltd (APAM).
As announced in March 2018 Catella agreed to acquire 75% of the shares in APAM for a price corresponding to GBP 18 million, on a debt and cash free basis. Catella is now completing the transaction, and APAM is consolidated as a subsidiary in Catella Group, since necessary regulatory approval has been obtained from the financial supervisory authority in Luxembourg, Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF). APAM has experienced fast growth over recent years and had revenues of approximately GBP 7 million during 2017.
The UK is a key strategic market for us where we see significant investment interest from our clients, particularly from our Asian office. APAM is a leading business in its space with exceptional knowledge of real estate markets across the UK and an impressive track record of delivering strong returns for its clients. With this deal we strengthen our pan-European platform and local expertise giving us a competitive edge across Europe.” Knut Pedersen Group CEO of Catella comments.
APAM is an independent real estate investment and asset manager operating exclusively in the UK market with a combination of skills to offer clients an ‘end to end’ approach to support their investment strategy. APAM has assets under management (“AUM”) of GBP 1.4 billion and 41 employees. Simon Cooke and William Powell, founders and executive directors of APAM, will remain shareholders in APAM and have committed to the company for at least another five years. Catella APAM will continue to be independently run by its current management team and to pursue its successful growth strategy within UK.
Catella Property Investment Management has continuously strengthened its competitive position in Europe and has experienced an annual cumulated growth rate (CAGR) in AUM of 31 % during the last three years. This transaction further strengthens our position as we reach AUM volume of EUR 8,1 billion” says Timo Nurminen, Head of Property Investment Management at Catella.
The UK remains a hub for capital deployment throughout Europe and our deal with Catella reflects the UK’s continued prominence for global investment amongst institutions, sovereign funds and private investors. We relish the next phase of APAM’s growth within the outstanding Catella European Platform.” Simon Cooke and William Powell, founding shareholders and executive directors of Catella APAM said.

For more information, please contact:
Knut Pedersen Timo Nurminen
Chief Executive Officer Head of Property Investment Management
+46 8 463 33 10 +358 50 337 3320
Simon Cooke
Executive Director APAM
+44 7785 922716

Catella is a leading specialist in property investments, fund management and banking, with operations in 14 countries. The group has assets under management of approximately SEK 180 billion. Catella is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm in the Mid Cap segment. Read more online at

Catella and Söderberg & Partners in strategic partnership

Catella Bank S.A., a subsidiary to Catella AB (publ), has entered an agreement to divest 51% of the Wealth Management operations in Sweden to Söderberg & Partners for approximately SEK 36 Million. Catella’s ownership in the joint venture structure is expected to generate positive cash flow which is an important part of the value of the transaction. The parties will also enter a strategic partnership. Catella will continue to develop alternative investment products to this client segment for the entire wealth advisory industry.
As part of the strategic review of Catella’s Banking operation Catella has evaluated various options for the Swedish Wealth Management operation and found the optimal conditions, for customers and employees, in Söderberg & Partners who is a partner and employer with a strong and long-term offering. Entering a strategic partnership ensures customers will be served by their trusted advisor on a competitive platform as well as it is an important step for Catella in the ambition to exit the consolidated situation and thereby improve capital and operational efficiency. The Söderberg & Partners Group is today one of Sweden´s and Scandinavia´s leading advisors within insurance and financial products and has approximately 1 800 employees around Europe.
Söderberg & Partners is a strong and credible partner and I see great opportunities in our partnership. With this transaction Catella takes another important step towards a more efficient capital-structure and less extensive regulatory framework,” Knut Pedersen, CEO of Catella Group, comments.
The partnership with Catella, as the reputable company it is, will give us great ability to develop our offer further. I am sure that our combined competences will provide synergy and even greater benefits for Söderberg & Partners, Catella and our respective customers”, says Gustaf Rentzhog, CEO of Söderberg & Partners.

In connection with the deal, Catella and Söderberg & Partners have entered into a call and put option agreement under which Catella is being granted a put option to sell their shares in the joint venture to Söderberg & Partners and Söderberg & Partners are being granted a call option to acquire the joint venture shares of Catella in 2024 at a price to be calculated through a pre-set formula depending on future profit development.
The balance sheet total of Catella Group will decrease by approximately SEK 1 Billion in connection with the transaction as both assets and liabilities will be transferred. Catella will consolidate its 49% share of the joint venture as an associated company in accordance with the equity method when the transaction is closed which is expected to be completed during the first half of 2019.

For more information, please contact:               Press contact:
Knut Pedersen                                                 Jonas Burvall, Head of
Chief Executive Officer                                    Group Communications
+46 8 463 33 10                                              +46 8 463 33 05                      

This information is information that Catella AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation and the Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.00 CET on 12th of December 2018.