Arise finalizes the sale of the wind farms Ranasjö- and Salsjöhöjden

Arise AB (publ), has today finalized the sale of the Ranasjö- and Salsjöhöjden wind farms, together totalling 242 MW (the “Projects”), to The Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited (“TRIG”) and funds managed by InfraRed (“InfraRed”). The transaction was completed substantially on the terms communicated on 26 May 2021.

The sale is expected to have a positive impact on earnings of approx. SEK 135 million in total over the years 2021 to 2024, of which approx. SEK 45 million in Q3 2021.

Arise will manage the construction, and once operational, manage the Projects on behalf of TRIG and InfraRed through construction and asset management agreements. This will expand Arise’s asset management portfolio to more than 1 350 MW.
Halmstad 5 July, 2021
ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:
Daniel Johansson, VD Arise AB, +46 702 244 133
Linus Hägg, CFO Arise AB, +46 702 448 916
This information is such information as Arise AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 9:45 pm CET on 5 July 2021.

Catella enters into agreement to purchase landmark building in central Düsseldorf

Catella AB (publ) has, through its subsidiary Catella Project Capital entered into an agreement to acquire Königsallee 106 in central Düsseldorf. Through the agreement, Catella’s ambition is to contribute to the development of central Düsseldorf with sustainability, energy efficiency and modern urban quality in focus. The total investment is estimated to be EUR 250 million and Catella’s share of the project is 23%.

The investment is a major step in line with the company’s stronger focus on the property segment within the business area Principal Investments. The strategy is to grow through own investments and co-investments with selected partners, in this case WPV, a pension company managing over four billion euros in the German market.

Catella and its partners will now focus on the detailed long-term improvement plans for this critical 26,000 sqm. asset in Düsseldorf’s central business district.

“We are pleased to enter into this opportunity through our local team Catella Project Management and are honoured to partner with WPV on this landmark transaction. The development, together with the other Principal Investments in Germany, as well as logistic properties in France, Spain and Sweden showcases Catella’s ambition to successfully grow own property investments and partnerships across Europe. To date, nearly SEK 700 million of Catellla’s equity has been invested contributing to Catella’s long term internal rate of return target.  We see great opportunities for future partnerships and growing our Principal Investments portfolio across Europe” says Christoffer Abramson, CEO of Catella.

For further information, please contact:

Michel Fischier
Head of Investor Relations and Group Communications
+46 8 463 33 86

CA Fastigheter har slutfört emission av grön obligation avseende 500 MSEK

CA Fastigheter Aktiebolag (publ) (”CA Fastigheter”) har idag genom Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) (”SEB”) framgångsrikt emitterat en grön icke säkerställd obligation om 500 MSEK. Emissionen var övertecknad.
Den gröna obligationen har en löptid om 3 år och med en ränta om Stibor 3 mån + 145 bp och kommer att noteras på Nasdaq Stockholm Sustainability Bond List.

Det är mycket glädjande att vi idag genomfört en emission av grön obligation. Genom emissionen ökar vi inte bara CA Fastigheters möjlighet att skapa tillväxt i vår verksamhet utan tillser även att vi ytterligare stärker vårt fokus på gröna och hållbara investeringar”, säger Andreas von Hedenberg, VD för CA Fastigheter AB.


För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Andreas von Hedenberg, VD CA Fastigheter AB. Telefon: 073-9655819
Johan Damne, Styrelseordförande CA Fastigheter AB & VD Claesson & Anderzén AB
Telefon: 070-5860330,

Power production in May 15.0 GWh

Weaker wind conditions than normal in May resulted in a power production of 15.0 GWh, compared to the month’s budget of 23.6 GWh.

Halmstad, 8 June 2021

ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:

Daniel Johansson, CEO Arise AB, +46 702 244 133

This information is information that Arise AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU MarketAbuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 09.45 CET on 8 June, 2021.

Regarding information about how we process your personal data we refer to our Privacy policy, which is available on our website www.arise.seIf you no longer wish to have our press releases and news please contact us via

Daniel Johansson, CEO, resigns from Arise

Daniel Johansson has notified the board of directors of his intention to resign as CEO of Arise AB (publ.) (”Arise”). He will remain available to the company for six months. Daniel Johansson has been CEO of Arise since January 2016. The process of recruiting a successor will begin immediately to find a CEO that can lead the company on its continued growth journey. Under Daniel’s leadership Arise has had a great development. Daniel has contributed significantly in taking the company to its current strong position.

Joachim Gahm, Chairman of the Board, Arise AB:

Daniel has during his more than five years successfully developed the company, both financially and commercially. The company’s development pipeline has been expanded and business activities have intensified. I want to thank Daniel for his decisive efforts in changing the course of the company’s development. Thanks to Daniel we have taken the company to a new level”.

Daniel Johansson, CEO, Arise AB:

I am very pleased with what we as a team have accomplished during my time as CEO. It has been a privilege to lead and develop the business. The company’s personnel are its greatest asset and I want to express my gratitude for their contribution. Arise is now well positioned to grow in line with the growth plan towards 2025. Together we have taken the company to a leading position within renewable energy”.

Halmstad, 2 June 2021

ARISE AB (publ)

For further information, please contact:

Joachim Gahm, Chairman of the Board, Arise AB, +46 708 752 755

This information is information that Arise AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU MarketAbuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 10.45 CET on 2 June, 2021.

Regarding information about how we process your personal data we refer to our Privacy policy, which is available on our website www.arise.seIf you no longer wish to have our press releases and news please contact us via